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Status Updates posted by bigd

  1. Playing with my new sentinel

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Is it a tetrahedral object made of a polished mineral?

  2. Still wating for my NCB Sentinel

  3. I found that I am missing a LH peco point to complete my layout. I wonder if Vicky Price could help me with my points?

    1. Horsetan


      She may prove as helpful as Harry Redknapp. Apparently he needs the points as well.

  4. I found that I am missing a LH peco point to complete my layout. I wonder if Vicky Price could help me with my points?

  5. Has just discovered the 'Items I have participated in' view

  6. Just survived a trip to Telford, I picked my son up from Insomnia. M6 was slow so treated us to a meal at the Spread Eagle at Gailey.

    1. Horsetan


      Surely Telford and the M6 are the antidotes for Insomnia?

  7. Has just ordered a raspberry pi

    1. richard_t


      Mine is here, I'm just waiting for an SD card to arrive, so I boot the thing...

    2. Welly


      With custard or cream? ....

      I'll get my coat!

    3. bigd


      I ordered an SD card with the OS already loaded, so that the learning curve will not be too steep

  8. I have been restoring some old hifi speakers. You could say I am a man with a MIssion - or rather, ao pair of Missions

    1. Kev_Lewis


      Are you going to be listening to The Mission too?

  9. Has just acquired a couple of station name boards and then had a good meal at the station inn, at Ribblehead

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigd


      Yes, I now know why it used to have a weather station there. There was a fair amont of weather up there today!

    3. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Did they have tirrils on the pump? I'm close by there & i can tell you it can be sunny in one dale & snowing in the next. My dad was raised in the farm at ribblehead & he said it is always raining there


    4. bigd


      Sorry, I was designated driver, so did not spot which beers were on

  10. recovering from Rmweb withdrawal symtoms

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