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Status Updates posted by bigd

  1. Has just acquired a couple of station name boards and then had a good meal at the station inn, at Ribblehead

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigd


      Yes, I now know why it used to have a weather station there. There was a fair amont of weather up there today!

    3. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Did they have tirrils on the pump? I'm close by there & i can tell you it can be sunny in one dale & snowing in the next. My dad was raised in the farm at ribblehead & he said it is always raining there


    4. bigd


      Sorry, I was designated driver, so did not spot which beers were on

  2. Has just discovered the 'Items I have participated in' view

  3. Has just ordered a raspberry pi

    1. richard_t


      Mine is here, I'm just waiting for an SD card to arrive, so I boot the thing...

    2. Welly


      With custard or cream? ....

      I'll get my coat!

    3. bigd


      I ordered an SD card with the OS already loaded, so that the learning curve will not be too steep

  4. I found that I am missing a LH peco point to complete my layout. I wonder if Vicky Price could help me with my points?

  5. I found that I am missing a LH peco point to complete my layout. I wonder if Vicky Price could help me with my points?

    1. Horsetan


      She may prove as helpful as Harry Redknapp. Apparently he needs the points as well.

  6. I have been restoring some old hifi speakers. You could say I am a man with a MIssion - or rather, ao pair of Missions

    1. Kev_Lewis


      Are you going to be listening to The Mission too?

  7. Just survived a trip to Telford, I picked my son up from Insomnia. M6 was slow so treated us to a meal at the Spread Eagle at Gailey.

    1. Horsetan


      Surely Telford and the M6 are the antidotes for Insomnia?

  8. Playing with my new sentinel

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Is it a tetrahedral object made of a polished mineral?

  9. recovering from Rmweb withdrawal symtoms

  10. Still wating for my NCB Sentinel

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