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Everything posted by boogaloo

  1. Always The Quiet One - The Wedding Present Boogy
  2. It's For You - The Wedding Present Boogy
  3. I Lost The Monkey - The Wedding Present Boogy
  4. Love Slave - The Wedding Present Boogy
  5. All About Eve - The Wedding Present Boogy
  6. Spider-Man On Hollywood - The Wedding Present Boogy
  7. Every Mother’s Son - The Wedding Present Boogy
  8. On Ramp - The Wedding Present Boogy
  9. Go Wild In The Country - The Wedding Present (cover of Bow Wow Wow's song) Boogy
  10. Queen Anne - The Wedding Present Boogy
  11. Has to admit that the picture is from Wiki

  12. Be Honest - The Wedding Present Boogy
  13. Perfect Blue - The Wedding Present. Boogy
  14. All About Eve - The Wedding Present Boogy
  15. Big Rat - The Wedding Present Boogy
  16. Don't Be So Hard - The Wedding Present Boogy
  17. What Have I Said Now? - The Wedding Present Boogy
  18. Give My Love To Kevin - The Wedding Present Boogy
  19. It’s What You Want That Matters - The Wedding Present Boogy
  20. Swimming Pools, Movie Stars - The Wedding Present Boogy
  21. The Queen Of Outer Space - The Wedding Present Boogy
  22. is amazed that 20% of 18-25yr olds believe an umbilical cord is a musical note!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Will Vale

      Will Vale

      When you pluck it, it goes "BOIIINNNNGGGG".

    3. iak


      Only 20%??? Now that is a surprise in itself...

    4. NickL2008


      well im 25 and know what it is ;o) so that immunes me from that survey!

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