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Everything posted by robertc

  1. Well, the days of being able to have a British running session on my layout are getting closer. Now I have some coaches to run on one line while the goods uses the other one. At least one side of the coaches will need to be done in LMS :>) The European coach will not look out of place with a matching paint scheme.... not to me anyway! As little as I know about pommie railways I suspect the TEE did not make it into LMS territory. Of course if anyone knows of a suitable mod to make the TEE coach into something British I am all ears! cheers Bob
  2. Adrian, ARJM is a publication that is produced when the editor has time and enough input. Which equates to not very often . Google up ajrm and you will find some sites. e.g. http://ajrm.com.au/ You might find some individuals who have decided to use skinnier NMRA standard wheels but it is not common. We have no need, as Australian standard gauge modelling does not have the OO/EM/P4 problem and modellers of broad gauge are happy to use 16.5mm as the real thing often runs on standard gauge.. Modellers in Australia who consider themselves serious have used the NMRA RP25/110 wheels and associated standards since the early 60's. We had access to plenty of wheels and track to suit and it worked properly. I started a P3.5 layout years ago but quickly decided it was not for me. good luck Bob p.s. if you want something different have a look at 3'6" gauge modelling. WAGR in S scale is one area that does have some kit support but there there is still a lot that needs to be scratchbuilt. http://wasnmodeller.blogspot.com.au/
  3. Thanks Chris, although there is a couple of small jobs to do such as the front air horns and the missing mu/brake hoses on one I consider the project done. Those little items can be added any time. Now i just need to stick to plan and not start any other projects until the two steamers are done. The indoor layout I hope will remain an armchair modelling project for a while longer. :>) cheers Bob
  4. Well, a week later than I promised myself but here are the two 42 class locos. Now I promised myself after finishing these that this would be the year of the steamers so I had better go look in that direction. :>) cheers Bob
  5. Best of luck with it Simon, should be a pleasure to watch when repaired. ....as for the guitars I have owned 5 and they all came painted. :>) cheers Bob
  6. The brake cylinders have arrived from China. Bootlace ferrules, impressionist modelling at its finest :>) The 42's should have been finished by now but too many things got in the road over Christmas. cheers Bob yes, one needs straightening!
  7. Thanks Chris, I realised that an answer might be a while coming at this time of year. After I posted I noticed I had not received two issues. Turns out I had not received notice of my renewal, all fixed now. Hope you had a good time at the ModelO Kits day. HCX looks to be coming along well. That looks to be a well made G1 layout your friend is building. Not been much time for modelling here at the moment, what with visitors and the grass growing so fast here, the flying field and at the transmitter site I am doing volunteer work at, the lawnmower and whipper snipper will be worn out like me soon :>) Happy new year cheers Bob
  8. Thanks Al , definitely worth considering. I do want to try out my idea when the bits arrive however. cheers Bob
  9. The fuel tanks have been the item for attention the last couple of days. Leaving the bottoms open for the moment, might get some lead flashing inserted at some point. 4206 has its tank now glued in. cheers Bob
  10. OK, well good luck. I can't imagine a s/c blowing all the motor driver FETs, I would be thinking only those used in the direction the loco was travelling at the time. So it should be still capable of driving in the other direction. Do you have any terminators fitted to the track? I see on railpage you state it runs on dc and presents a high current load on DCC. Sounds like the decoder is trying to run both sides of the H bridge on DCC, got itself very confused due to the short circuit overvoltage. Probably easier to replace the chip. Put some terminators on the track if you don't have any now, might stop it happening next time. Bob
  11. Hi Chris, have you received a copy of 7th heaven recently? Bob
  12. Have you tried doing the resets on the programming track? My cheat sheet for the QSI fitted to the 60 class has the following long list for resetting the thing. 49=128, 50=255, 56=113 However I have never needed to do it. good luck cheers Bob
  13. I have made a start on the unpowered bogies. Awaiting parts for use as brake cylinders. Very much impressionist modelling. Nothing but expensive brass castings available that I could find. cheers Bob
  14. Took a bit of time out from the bogies to make this Lima European wagon a bit more at home for the 4F's goods train I am assembling. Hook couplers, weathered and added a load. The letters S and R might be added just to make it feel more at home in the UK. :>)
  15. The powered bogies have managed to get some more work done on them despite all the chores lately. :>) cheers Bob
  16. All 8 bogie sides have now reached the basic detail stage. Household chores and some volunteer work have slowed things a bit over the last couple of days cheers Bob
  17. Making myself a promise that I will have this pair finished before years end, I have started on the sideframes. Perhaps next year can be the year of the steamers? cheers Bob
  18. Sun is out so I gave the 4F's a run before putting them on the shelf until I have a train for them to pull. cheers Bob
  19. I do believe they look a bit better now. One of these days they will get some proper decals. For now the computer printout will have to do. Play suspended for the day due to rain. So maybe some more modelling or perhaps some videos on O gauge trains to watch. :>) cheers Bob
  20. At last ,I have enough NSW locos to run the trains. The remaining 4F' s are being returned to LMS ownership. There will be LMS running days on my layout. The left hand running, high level platforms and other infrastructure means they will not look too out of place. Some scenic work was also done on the layout while the sun shines. cheers Bob
  21. Some necessary painting of roofs and re-gluing of relay huts was undertaken today in between showers. Bird poo was washed off the backdrop (fence) too :>) A train or two was also run. cheers Bob
  22. Hi Chris, Ted's decals make my home made items look so much better. I must get him to make some for my goods wagons etc that have computer printed labels or hand written ones. cheers Bob
  23. Good start there Ross. Some work on a matching backscene will make it even better. Ralph Holdens book and the Moping Branch DVD get a regular airing at my place. cheers Bob Comerford
  24. The (hand painted?) backscene really makes this a nice looking plank cheers Bob
  25. Now the job of sideframes and fuel tank arrives, plus fill in the big hole at the front. Might wait until the couplers are in at the right height before the latter job. cheers Bob
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