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Posts posted by 28XX

  1. Snip!


    Traffic in would be 4” x 4” steel billets.  These would have slightly rounded corners so any suitable styrene section would be suitable.  Tamiya used to do a 3mm x 3mm square section rod which would be ideal if still available.




    Arthur, 4" = 1.33mm in 1:76, or 3mm would be 9" ??

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  2. 1982.  Allowed home from Stanier House in time to catch the 14:20 Taunton.  Eventually caught a very late running 16:02 all stations via the black country which gave up the struggle at Kidderminster.  Walked with one other passenger for Worcester, a total stranger, to Hoobrook where we adjourned to a hostelry for a whiskey and to wait for his wife to come and collect us by car.  She deposited me at the BRSA Club where I parked had my car.  This took half an hour to dig out, got home about 9:00pm.


    Fast forward to 1988, the same guy interviewed me for a job at Metal Box, which I got.   

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  3. Maybe not curtains but perhaps vertical blinds, all the rage in the early '70's (remember room 966 South Eric?).


    Also on that picture is a 30 foot high Concrete Utilities Avenue 3D with Arc 2 bracket and a mercury lantern.

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  4. There has always been a tendency for billboard companies (with the agreement of the client) to crop the ad to fit the site.  (This has now been extended to digitally stretching or squashing them but not in BCB days).


    The point being, as long as you get the essentials in, don't get too hung up on the fit.

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  5. The popularity of the .1% fat 'milk' amazes me.....people really buy lots of it, and in my local supermarket it costs the same (£/litre) as the gorgeous Gold Top (Jersey) milk I get delivered to my doorstep by Jack`s electric-float each morning.

    I`m amazed that supermarkets are allowed to call such a dilute dairy-product; 'Milk', at all!......The other 4.9% they`ve pinched (and surely used elsewhere for great commercial gain), is where all the fat-soluble vitamins, calcium (and taste) reside......people have are being comprehensively conned by the supermarkets/agri-business and the many health fads.

    The fat is removed by centrifuge these days, not by gentle warming and skimming as in the past.  Post war, the cream was the premium product and the skimmed milk was fed to the pigs as it was the by-product.


    Nowadays the faddies like the full skim to drink (yuk) and the cream is the by-product.  It is exported by road tanker to the Netherlands where it is used to make spreads like Clover, then re-imported.

    Bear in mind that to supply the super dairies like Wisemans, Droitwich raw milk is often brought 200 miles, again by road.  Food miles? carbon footprint?  Don't get me started!

  6. After I was robbed of my BR pension, Babcock pension and Metal Box pension, I contributed no more.  When the mortgage is cleared I will retire from the paye 8-4 job and we'll carry on fostering till we drop dead. Simples.

  7. Was there any lorries fitted with 'Hymac' cranes or similar in the 70's? The reason I am asking is that Stubby is asking for suggestions for what his factory could be making and I suggested BR relay cabinets, such items would possibly be carried on vehicles so equipped for unloading on site.  

    I think that the relay cabinets (location cabinets) were made by the signalling contractors such as Westinghouse, Tyers and SGE.  I suppose they could have subbed out to Millwards, but I bet someone knows.  Eric??

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