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Posts posted by Paddy

  1. It's rarely I do much in the way of modelling these days (depression is not to be recommended for anyone!) and I no longer attend shows as a demonstrator/speaker/layout operator/punter, etc. However, I can occasionally manage to tackle the likes of the K3 new frames project, and it's nice to know it's appreciated.

    Hi Tony,


    My heart goes out to you and your family. As a fellow sufferer I know how debilitating depression can be. Just came out of a bout of the black dog and I have been able to restart work on HOLLERTON JUNCTION.


    It is good to see you posting on here and contributing to BRM once more. Take care and I hope you feel better soon.



  2. I haven't posted on this thread for a time, but one or two comments might seem pertinent now.


    My thanks to all those who commented on the various Princes of Wales. I bow to the knowledge shown in these posts.


    I'm glad Norman Solomon's work has been highlighted. Without doubt, his work is peerless and, though others make track professionally, the master is in a different league. If you really want to know how to make track, might I suggest attending one of the Missenden Abbey weekends, where Norman is one of the tutors. I used to be one, but circumstances change.


    As for a further Little Bytham DVD, I don't know. The first one was actually rather poor in my opinion - badly made, with stills not put in where they should have been, much too much of my waffle and far too little of trains moving, even though many minutes were shot. It wasn't done by Activity Media unfortunately; certainly in terms of production quality.


    Thanks to Chris Foren for his mention of the current BRILL, and my urchin Cestrian scribblings. I hope he liked it. As far as further Irwell publications are concerned, I've actually written a soft-back for them, to be published next year. Guess what, it's all colour and it's all diesel and electrics, featuring pictures I took in the '60s, '70s and '80s. How times change! If it's successful, there might be more.


    Now, on to modelling - in view of the release of Hornby's latest RailRoad Mk.1s, I've just spent a couple of days 'fiddling' with them. I have to say, as 'layout coaches' these are outstanding value for money and, with just a little bit of work, run perfectly acceptably (visually and mechanically) alongside my Bachmann and kit-built alternatives. A description of all this will be published in the February 2014 issue of BRM. But for now, some pictures. One is a repaint.


    attachicon.gifHornby Mk.1 BSK end.jpg


    attachicon.gifHornby Mk.1 SKs.jpg


    attachicon.gifHornby Mk.1 BSK & CK.jpg


    I hope they load.......

    Hi Tony,


    Good to see you active again. Another Little Bytham DVD would be great. In fact anything with you in it would be welcome by me!


    Merry Christmas



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