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Posts posted by ranger

  1. 20200428_070106.jpg.d866f8744f73fa51ebddaf167099e6c9.jpg20200428_070041.jpg.c019706da489c2faf6b8408bacc105f4.jpg20200428_070056.jpg.f245828d4232bbe69385e3da1557fbfe.jpgHi everyone..well now I carnt indulge my other hobby at the moment ( classic cars)with this lockdown thought I'd build myself a second layout in n gauge again ..its 30inch wide and 54inch long...steve farmer gave me the inspiration last year when I seen his layout lymebrook yard and another layout on here. Trinity road...my last layout was an end to end n gauge as well.this time I wanted to watch the trains go by so this is basically 2 individual loops...3 manual wire in tube points..as steve said keep it simple! Well the part I hate most track laying and wiring is complete so let the build commence...it will be based on br blue in the late 70s early 80s when I spent many a happy hour watching endless freight trains pass near me..  timperley line..things may be changed as the build commences...enjoy ur modelling everyone




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  2. Seen this layout at last yesterday...wow...stunning..attention to detail is awesome...amazing what you have got managed to get into a small space..think this has given me a kick to start on something similar...nice talking to you yesterday steve...prob see you over the weekend at crewe

  3. Thanks Dave you need to be getting on with your entry. It'll soon be July mate.

    Re an earlier post about garish painted stock cars.

    I intend to put one on a trailer in the yard. Went to a classic banger meeting yesterday for ideas on paint jobs.


    i was there last nite steve,,,some awesome cars,especially that 1928 citroen,,,liking the new layout
  4. Hi steve,,just looking at the pictures of lymebrook yard,amazing what you fitted into there,any chance of a track plan ,good to see you last sunday helping out,superb modelling there,cheers rob

  5. Really liking this layout,,amazing what you can get into a small space,,carnt wait to see this on the exhibition circuit, ,seen tanners hill for the first last weekend,stunning,must get myself motivated to start my next one now

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