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    Diesels blue and newer. Portugal, Canadian Pacific, US North West.....living in Norfolk, walking dogs, birdwatching, gardening, cooking, wine, Manchester United, Rail Photography, Music obsessive. http://gridwatchersrailpages.weebly.com https://www.facebook.com/sdeg.co.uk/

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  1. Show me the fox that killed the last of our chucks and I'll show you a high veloicty lead injection!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      25901 Please clarify your statement, I take it you are talking about fur framing, which is slowly and surely being banned in all country's as Poland has banned and along many other countrys including the US and Canada.

    3. 25901


      I mean if it's wild people are up in arms if we kill it but if we farm them, cows, sheep, pigs etc for the table the same peole are ok with that.

    4. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      Are you a vegan. I take your point but they are domesticated, by we humans. Vulpes Valpes great at keeping the rat population down and the fruit and grubs. A lot of people think that the red foxes are vermin, I have yet to see proof that they are. I have a great deal respect for the aforementioned animal, as when I go for a walk over the local fields, I have one that likes to follow me from a safe distance.

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