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Everything posted by artisan100

  1. Dave, I am so 'with you' on your attitude to the media and news. In my case I think it may stem from the years of being forced to sit in silence because 'your father's listening to/watching the news'. As soon as I left home and was able to make my own choices I've been trying to avoid the news. Been doing it for 40 years now. Geoff
  2. We're only about 20 miles from Newport here, so I can confirm that it is widdling down and blowing a hooley (sp?). I still think golfers are paid too much, but at least they'll get cold water running down their necks this weekend Geoff
  3. Don, Jeez. What can anyone say? I'm not a regular poster on here (I don't get up early enough!), but I am a regular reader, so feel that I've come to know you as well as one can when seeing someone through a glass screen and a keyboard. My thoughts will be with you. Chin up, Geoff
  4. Hey, Ian, I can't let it go any longer. It's an Eccentric rod. Geoff
  5. Occasional popper in just popping in to add congratulations to Matthew. I lived in Leicester from '84 to '04, so one thing I can asuure you is that he won't go short of a good curry! Geoff
  6. Perspex, Celluloid, and, I think, Wi-Fi. Geoff
  7. Guess who's committed to being at Scaleforum in Leatherhead for the weekend of our 35th Anniversary? Strangely, the inviation for her to come as well didn't melt the ice. Geoff
  8. Jeremy Taylor. A name from the past. I saw him several times on the folk circuit in the early 70's in London. I remember he told what had been Irish jokes, but substituted Afrikaners/Boers as the fallguys. The Russians do it to the Poles, the Aussies do it to the Kiwis, etc., etc. Geoff
  9. Actually, it was Sue, but I don't suppose Liz will sue. Geoff
  10. Careful, Gordon. Don't get a taste for it again. It's all been going so well this time. Cheers, Geoff
  11. I must have turned on my alarm by mistake when I went to bed last night. So there I was this morning, awake and disgruntled at some unearthly hour. 'Never mind', I thought, 'I'll get up and partake in the witty banter on ER'. The one day none of you set your own alarm clocks! Have a good day. (Blue sky with 2 white wispy oktas here, and one very loud bird giving it some in the tree just outside the bedroom window.) Geoff
  12. Off to Switzerland for a ride on the Glacier Express!

  13. No Gordon, It's everyone else that is, having seen the quality of the woodwork and civil engineering. Just don't make a serious mistake somewhere, get disheartened and end up taking this one to the tip as well Cheers, Geoff
  14. GordonS said I expect one of the people was Mrs S, and we know all about the dog, so who was the other person? Sam? Geoff
  15. A friend of mine is a Bishop's Chaplain in a Cathedral in the South West (Names changed to protect the innocent). I was introduced to the Bish at a social gathering last year, which was a very relaxed and jovial affair. Pleased to say the Bish did see the funny side when I asked him if it was a bit of a nuisance having to walk diagonally everywhere. Geoff
  16. PM doesn't appear to be working, so I'll mention here that Comet do a front bogie, SR pattern, 6' 3" wheelbase, which is suitable for a MN. Ref LS11. Geoff
  17. Sorry, but I thought his name was Graham. Geoff
  18. Hi Ian, That Crosti's coming on nicely. I've got one to do for myself, but I'm afraid mine will have to make do with a Comet chassis. BTW, instead of waiting for guitar string, how about LS30 from the Comet list. Cheers, Geoff (from Comet!)
  19. I'm a bit like DD and haven't ventured far from home yet into the Brave New World that is the new RMWeb, but in a moment of idle curiosity I've just wandered my cursor over the digit in the bottom right hand corner of each post, just above the green button. The little help box popped up and said that it was 'reputation'. I roamed through ER's then to see who had the best (or worst) reputation, and was a bit disheartened to see that most have a zero reputation. Looking at some other threads I managed to find one member with a reputation of 3. Where has it all gone wrong? Doesn't this high quality chaff and punning count for anything? Should representations be made? Geoff
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