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Posts posted by MichaelW

  1. The junction of the road running along the boards with the road overbridge by the station was a bit of a nightmare to build and required rather too many cuts and joins. It's going to be tricky to disguise all the joints but there must be a way to do it. So far I've filled some of the pavement gaps with Tetrion filler mixed with black acrylic paint then I've attacked all of it with black weathering powder. It improves the colour of the road and takes away any shine but it hasn't completely hidden the joins.


    Rather than disguising the joints, make a feature of them - most roads have been patched at various times, and are made of separate areas of asphalt - you could try painting a matt (or gloss for recent patches) black line at the joins to represent the tar used to join the patches. It'll be something a bit different.

  2. Hmmm... Those photos of the track really make me wish I hadn't started with code 55 - they look so good! I feel a trial layout coming on, even though I have 3 on the go already...

  3. The N-Gauge ones are now available from the big place in Liverpool, so no doubt other stockists should have them as well.


    Give it a couple of days and I should have a set to play with...

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