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Andy C

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Blog Entries posted by Andy C

  1. Andy C
    Heres the next project - Ive started a separate thread in layouts "Sparthbottom PCD" a mid 70s early 80s parcels depot.

    Its in P4, viewing from the bottom and is totally ficticious aprt from the name - which is of the area in the centre of Rochdale where it would be if the LNW had built such a line!!
  2. Andy C
    I discovered today that New Hey and myself have been outed as a threat to the nations, and railway modellers in particular, morals
    One of the best investigative tools we have ever had is the intranet - its amazing what incriminating things people stick down on it! My colleague and I were doing a bit of experimentation with various search engines using each other as examples when he called me across to look at a web page which featured me !
    Now to put this into context I was aware on RM web 3, just before Manchester there was a bit of a "to do" about a picture of a model i'd made to go in the gents urinal at New hey ( ADULT IMAGE WARNING - IF EASILY OFFENDED DON'T OPEN)
    Mr Pilotfriend obviously wrote something which got moderated a few times and resulted in a bit of hassle to Andy Y. As Id not seen his posting before they got chopped I did a Jeremy Thorpe (old enough to remember him?) and turned the other cheek at the time, particularly as i suspected some personal grievance on his part - I had told him fairly forthrightly we didnt want County Gate at Manchester (very valid reasons, trust me!). I knew Mr P had persisted on other forums on this issue and had taken a bit of a slapping down for being small minded, but this one is on his site.
    Laugh? Ive been wetting myself ever since, to quote Frankie Howerd "Infamy, Infamy, they have all got it in for me" I realise now that I should have been more conscious of diversity and said that it would " make the girls and boys eyes water a bit" and apologise for that omission.
  3. Andy C
    Having had a week and a bits recovery time I need to get back to work on the final little bits to absolutely finish the layout off. principaly this means building 3 signals, two ground signals, putting point rodding in and getting the signals to work. I did get the signal parts out last weekend but unfortunately the header tank in the loft overflowed and the bedroom ceiling collapsed so ive been a bit diverted this week
    After some big debates around the way to make them operate I think Ive finally found the solution - servo's using the MERG board. Ive been watching DJK put them in and working on Dewsbury Midland - and I am very impressed indeed so at just over ??4 for the servos it looks a goer. More on this once the signals are built. The rodding is going to be done out of the old Colin Waite etches - still the best solution - I just happened to come into 3 packs during an "estate clearance" after a MMRS member passed away a couple of years ago. All to frequent these days Im afraid, but at least the realtives get the benefit of what they see as bits of junk being sold, and what I see as a gold plated purchase.
  4. Andy C
    A very successful weekend for the layout, the operators were buzzing and knocking trains from out the back and onto the boards like it had gone out of fashion. Some excellent running and the trains really look the part now, particularly the Brit on the Wakes ECS train to Oldham mind you I did like the Super D trundling around on the Royton Jct freight as well.
    Andy Ys pics in the gallery have caught a lot of the character of the layout and are some of the best ive seen so far - can you come and do some more for me Andy? - to use that RM Web expression "looking good mate". My one dissapointment is that no one can see the by now infamous figure that must not mention its name despite a good number of people asking to see it. I will have to get a mirror fixed onto the lighting pelmet so people can see down into the traps .
  5. Andy C
    Well until ive worked out how to copy across the olf thread heres the link
    Can anyone point me in the right direction not been able to fing anything in help yet and I do not want to lose what Ive posted so far!!
  6. Andy C
    This afternnon oi mainly been packing stuff ready to go to the Manchester show. Its caused me to reflect just how much gear I actually take with me to shows!
    OK the bottle of Bowmore in the infamous "red box" is a little OTT perhaps but the rest of that box is full of sparesm drapes, wiring big tools, clamps. This of course doesnt include the nromal modelling toolbox. And the stock boxes. Put that with the baseboards, legs. lighting units and the support gallows and its a hell of a lot of stuff to shift - never let the exhibiting modeller be accused of a lack of exercise
    BTW the malt is thereostensibly just in case any operators come over faint, though its real purpose to celebrate the real launch of the layout onto the show scene!
  7. Andy C
    Now the control problems seem to have been resolved by that most simple of expedients, i wanted to do a few of the jobs to get progress back on track to where we should be. One of these is the engineers train - this appears early in the sequence, parks up in east siding (infront of the signal box) and stays there till late in the sequence - in the meantime the engine has detached gone back to the fiddle and appears as an engine and brake van move every so often.
    Ive been busy in my hotel room in Middlesbrough this week (well theres b*gg*r all else to do there) putting chairs on sleepers and painting them for the loads in the opens on this train (plus 3 dogfish and a shark perhaps the siding should be renamed Macfisheries siding?),the intention is to put loose sleeper loads in the opens and put some piles of new sleepers in the cess in the open and somewhat barren strtech between the signal box and two bridges road.

  8. Andy C
    Ive had a query today about when New Hey is next on show - my confirmed invites so far are:
    York - Easter 2010
    Expo EM Bracknell - May 2010
    Expo EM North, Salithwaite - 11 & 12/9/2010
    Halifax 25/26 /9/2010
    In 2011:
    (provisional Normanton - they have taken the info but nothing in writng yet)
    Railex, Aylesbury May 2011 confirmed
    L and Y DCC show Nov 2011
    April ish - Ally Pally.
    I have a policy of only doing a max of 4 shows a year with the layout so that it and the operators dont get over exposed - exhibition managers are going to have to stake their claim early!!
  9. Andy C
    Having had a week and a bits recovery time I need to get back to work on the final little bits to absolutely finish the layout off. principaly this means building 3 signals, two ground signals, putting point rodding in and getting the signals to work. I did get the signal parts out last weekend but unfortunately the header tank in the loft overflowed and the bedroom ceiling collapsed so ive been a bit diverted this week
    After some big debates around the way to make them operate I think Ive finally found the solution - servo's using the MERG board. Ive been watching DJK put them in and working on Dewsbury Midland - and I am very impressed indeed so at just over ??4 for the servos it looks a goer. More on this once the signals are built. The rodding is going to be done out of the old Colin Waite etches - still the best solution - I just happened to come into 3 packs during an "estate clearance" after a MMRS member passed away a couple of years ago. All to frequent these days Im afraid, but at least the realtives get the benefit of what they see as bits of junk being sold, and what I see as a gold plated purchase.
  10. Andy C
    New Heys final completion entered its final phase today with the construction to painting stage of the l 3 remaining signals, the up advance home, up home, and the down home.
    All 3 oddball signals no fancy gantry stuff for the signal enthusiasts Im afraid, but they are models of what actually was there - a 45 foot lattice post for the down advance starter, The up advance starter was a tall wooden post, and the up home a stubby little number designed for sighting under Two Bridges Road overbridge. Despite this being a short signal it had a platform - interesting enough the down 45 foot lattice post which was lietrally opposite the up home never had a platform.
    Photographs taken today on my demo at Holmfirth.





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