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Status Updates posted by lankyphil

  1. overtook a Pendolino last night. In his truck... :S

  2. has had a shower so doesn't smell!

    1. Chris Nevard

      Chris Nevard

      You announce this as if it's your first one of the year? ;-)

    2. lankyphil


      I'm a railway modeller, I thought that not showering was part and parcel....

  3. has permission to attend tomorrow!

  4. Watch out, the ice polishers are out...

  5. cannot believe that he has paid 38 quid for his digital tachograph card for it to say that it's still the property of the Secretary of State!!!!!!!

  6. Grrr... Why are RSMs never happy? On the other, the Wurzels can brighten any day! :)

  7. Put your hands on your hips...

  8. It appears Humbrol aerosols send cats crazy...

  9. Went to see 6233 hammer through Edge Hill. Result = Stoped to let a 142 through the junction :'(

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