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Ian J.

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Everything posted by Ian J.

  1. [speculation warning] You never know, the deal for Bachmann to take over the production of the OO model (presumably using the scanning and CAD work done by Dapol), might include a clause that means Dapol retain rights to produce an N gauge version. I'm not an insider so certainly can't say this is anything other than speculation though. [/speculation warning]
  2. If Bachmann have any influence in taking on the Thumper, hopefully they will convince Kernow that the 3H is likely to be the better seller so it's worth sorting out the centre car now and getting the three car unit into production for the initial releases (and pigs might fly )
  3. Which reminds me of something I thought about recently: regardless of era or type, preservation isn't just about the actual locomotive, coach or wagon, it's also about preserving the knowledge, the skills and the facilities to fabricate the various parts, from castings for engine blocks, con rods or wheels, to wiring for alternators, windings for traction motors, mouldings for plastic parts, etc. Unless 'we' as a preservation movement attend to these things, then preserving any vehicle in running order is ultimately a fruitless task.
  4. Ian J.

    Heljan Class 15

    Having got mine the other day, I'm sufficiently impressed with it that I might get another, clean up the short nose end of the cab roof so that it's a fully flush fit, then repaint into fictional BR Blue with full yellow ends and a proper TOPS number...
  5. Ian J.

    Heljan Class 15

    Just picked up a double arrows one, nice runner Also has decent lighting, though I do wonder if all the foward yellow lights should be on in forwards direction. I'm presuming two reds on the back are standard and OK Quick question: when 'the four' were converted to CHUs, what was left of the drive mechanism, if anything? I'm just wondering if they were able to get around themselves or needed hauling?
  6. Nice to see a layout under construction of a station close to my home town turf. Not that I live in Poole at the moment, but it's still the home territory, so to speak Unfortunately it was not a station I ever photographed really, so I wouldn't be much help with details.
  7. Just got my two this morning. One green and one blue. The blue one runs very smoothly but is a bit noisier than the green. The green one runs ok in short nose direction, but has a tight spot in the long nose direction. It is currently getting a running in on the Bachrus rollers. Re parts, the green one seems to be all present and correct: 3 brake shoes one way, 3 brake shoes the other, two sand boxes and the brake rodding moulding. The blue one seems to have 4 brake shoes one way and 2 the other, plus the sand boxes and brake rodding moulding. Will follow that up with Hattons/Howes at a later date. The 'hole' behind the exhaust port near the roof of the cab is exactly the same on both. Is this therefore a prototypical part of the design?
  8. Official announcement here: http://www.ehattons.com/newsdetail.aspx?id=20
  9. Ahem... I think it's time to clarify what this thread is for, Creative Railway Photography only! Creative Editing and non-railway subjects will need to find their own homes... [Edit] While I'm posting, can we also keep the railway shots here to those of a more creative composition, and not have too many that are a bit close to 'just' being nice shots, lovely though they are. [/Edit]
  10. Some lovely shots there Chris The thread as it was on the old RMweb seemed quite popular, but here it hasn't been noticed so much. Let's hope 2010 is better.
  11. Both were taken the same way, with a camera But seriously, there was a bench just in front of the loco that I could rest the camera on so I was able to let it stand while it held the shutter open. I didn't do anything fancy, just let the camera do all the work automatically. The camera is a Canon EOS350D, with the Canon 18-55mm lens that came with it. One thing to realise is that it wasn't quite completely night so the sky had a bit of blue in it which the camera caught well enough. I do like the contrast between evening blue sky and the sodium lighting.
  12. Another one to add to the BR Blue Collection I'm amassing... B)
  13. Edit: this is the old thread on the previous version of RMweb: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=92&t=39899#p612587 OK, it turns out that at the moment it's not possible to have a gallery that can be posted to by more people than the gallery's creator, so for now any of these types of communal photo threads on RMweb 3 will have to remain as threads on RMweb 4. So, to start again With steam: and without:
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