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Everything posted by Tony_S

  1. Morning all. Fairly clear sky and sunny here but it isn't very warm. No messing around with computer software installation today as it is all done now. I've got to go shopping for vermicelli. We have been invited to my wife's cousins for lunch on Saturday and my wife volunteered me to make a dessert to take. Matthew is on holiday now but will be going into college on some days for revision sessions. Tony
  2. As Robbie can't open the cupboard where his food is stored he at least has to pretend to be nice to me! My mother used to get cross with me if I ever said something impolite about the dog. She was convinced he could understand English and would have hurt feelings. I was usually the one that was hurt as I only really imply the dog is daft when he has tripped me up.
  3. I'm probably on a break right now as well but my manager will start barking if I don't take him soon for his walk. I had a new printer arrive this morning. After downloading 232Mb of updates it now works on the XP and Windows7 pcs. I'll do Matthew's Vista PC later this afternoon. While the printer drivers were loading I did my good deed for the day and sorted out my neighbours PC. I don't know what I did but it works now, it must be the computer equivalent of faith-healing. The nice people in Germany (they did accept the pdf in lieu of a fax)unlocked the software for my wife's new laptop installation. They did say if we want to change machine again just let them know in advance and they will unlock the licence ready for the installation. Unfortunately in this case I didn't know the previous pc was going to die but it is nice to know. My poor wife was in a state of shock when she thought all here work was lost and just kept saying "it can't be broken, it's a Sony" I'm now off to do something less stressing than computers and walk the dog! Tony
  4. Hello. Weather is wet and windy here. I've been out to put the rubbish bag. This is not a recycling week so it was quite a small bag and I hope it doesn't blow away! Matthew's Easter break starts tomorrow so I suspect he will be collecting a lot of homework today. My wife is going to be at home for 2 weeks writing a big chunk of her thesis so I'll be making tea a lot during the next few weeks. Tony
  5. Glad the first day went OK. My wife decided to share her concerns (at 4am) about departmental reorganisation. Apparently her colleagues are convinced that that they will all have to apply for their own jobs. As my wife organises their "Tea Club" I'm sure her post is safe! Tony
  6. Morning all. It is raining here and has been throughout the night I think. I'm just off to take my wife for her blood-tests. It is easier for me to drive and then go and try to find somewhere to park nearby than to attempt to park at the clinic. We'll then come home so she can have breakfast and then set off to work. Don, hope you have a good holiday. Tony
  7. I don't like anchovies so I suppose I'm clinging to the good old days when I were a lad. Tony
  8. Unfortunately I'm supposed to fax back the form (signed) that they sent me as a pdf! They still haven't replied to the email I sent asking if the signed and scanned pdf I returned was adequate. Apparently even in the UK there are some things you can fax (some legal things apparently) but can't email, and I thought we were in the century of the fruitbat but I can't see why signing and faxing makes it more legitimate than signing and pdfing! Tony
  9. Traditionally Lubyanka wasn't somewhere people booked their holidays to! Tony
  10. When my wife saw the photo she was tactful (she is being nice while I'm restoring all her lost work on the new pc) enough to only criticise my posture not that I should lose weight! Actually the new PC is up and running. Just one bit of software to get going. The German software company will allow the software to be reinstalled on the new machine but we have to fax them a document stating the old version has been deleted etc. I don't have a fax machine or a computer with a modem pretending to be a fax machine. If they don't accept the pdf I can send it from my sister-in-laws house at the weekend.
  11. Hello. It must be summer. There are a pair of black headed gulls in summer plumage sitting on the roof of the house over the road. Otherwise it is fairly warm and has just stopped raining but could start again soon. I'm waiting for an email from Germany this morning before doing more software installation on my wife's new laptop. All the normal software (office2007, anti virus) went on. Windows7 doesn't come with a mail program, no Outlook Express or Windows Mail so Thunderbird 3 came to the rescue. Anyway the final bit of software (the text analysis program) would only install as a demo not the licensed version we have hence the email to Germany. I don't think I'll be doing any railway modelling today. Tony
  12. Not forgetting the conga line all the way to the bar!
  13. My dog holds "confuse a human day" everyday! I missed the start of the GP. I did want to watch it but the radio alarm came on and I turned the radio off and started to put the television but my wife despite pretending to be asleep said she liked the religious news programme (except from when the "singing" starts) so I went and made cups of tea and watched elsewhere. She would have watched the Grand Prix if had been broadcast from somewhere with interesting scenery. Tony
  14. If it had to be one of the three it would be new hairdresser but it turned out to be new laptop! I've just got to the bit where you have to make recovery discs and as I selected "verify" it is going to take ages! So Robbie will finally get his walk while DVD discs "burn". I can tell my wife is now relaxed about the dissertation writing resuming as she was looking at the Sony accessory page for pretty carrying cases! If she continues training for the stairwell luge she had better choose a case with an air bag. I've been so busy watching software install I forgot to make bread today so I'm just off to the co-op to see what they have. Tony
  15. That photo makes it seem as if were only yesterday! Must be one of the few where I am looking at the camera and haven't shut my eyes! My plans for today now include a trip to PCworld. My wife has booked two weeks off work to really do some serious work on her dissertation. If it were just a case of wordprocessing she could have my PC but her word files are interlinked to Cite while you Write (Endnote) software and some sort of qualitative textual analysis (whatever that is but it does produce pretty pictures)software. Not having her laptop is apparently very stressful. She said she is reduced to patting the dog to attempt to reduce the blood pressure (apparently this was recommended in some magazine she read at the hairdressers). So I'm off to get a new one. When the other one comes back eventually Matthew can have it to take to University. We'll be poorer but happy! Tony
  16. Still no breakfast here. I've made tea, fed the dog and staved off morning hunger pangs with a couple of chocolate biscuits. I think I'll be unsociable and eat breakfast by myself very soon. My family seem to be very sensitive to time changes! Though to be honest, Matthew did wake up early, interrogate me about my opinion on the Middle East and then he went back to bed. I think that was essay planning for his homework later today. Tony
  17. Morning. I changed the few clocks that needed manually adjusting last night. I noticed yesterday that my mobile phone and iPod clocks had been on summer time all winter. I just finished watching the middle and end of the GP. I won't say anything in case someone is watching it on time delay! Apart from walking the dog somewhere I have no idea what I'm doing today. If no-one else gets up soon breakfast will become brunch. Weather seems quite pleasant at the moment. Tony
  18. Are you really sure you want to see pictures of ERs before retiring to bed? Actually I'm sure you would have enjoyed the conversation about how to find a volunteer to take the group picture. Tony
  19. I managed to use train, DLR, tube, train again and bus to get to the exhibition. I did get to sit at the front of the DLR train and get a "driver's view". I didn't buy much, two wagons, a bus, some Busch scenic bits and a couple of MERG kits. It was really nice to meet up those of you I've been chatting to online. It was also good to see some of the people from the Thamesiders club. I went home a slightly different way via Finchley Park as I thought the Picadilly/Northern line change might be easier but Kings Cross was still busy. The Northern line was like the rush hour capacity when I got on. I thought I may have to cook dinner when I got home but the aroma of exotic spices was a hint that my wife had decided to cook something. She did say she was going to study all day but I'm not going to complain. Tony
  20. Morning all. I'm just about to have my breakfast and then I'll set off for London. I've just checked C2C online and the trains are OK so at least I don't have to drive to Upminster. I've memorised lots of different routes (and ignored some of the TfL suggestions! See some of you later. Unlike BoD I won't be posting from the train! Tony
  21. Time for bed I think, if I want to appear coherent tomorrow at Ally P. I've made my sandwiches and I shall endeavour not to leave them at home as I did last year. Matthew has promised to take Robbie for a walk so I don't have to organise that in the morning now! Tony
  22. Robbie doesn't come upstairs. That was the one thing that my wife insisted on when she agreed to a dog when our son finally persuaded her with some carefully pitched reasoning (or make Mummy feel guilty!). The only negative thing about our dog is the incredible hairiness. Our previous vacuum cleaner could not cope and we resorted to the ultimate pet vacuum the Miele Cat and Dog. He does love going out but is very good at home and in the car. Robbie is a working type Cocker and is very fast and agile. They are supposed to be brave but non aggressive. He isn't aggressive and is good with children, other dogs, and cyclists and joggers! I'm not sure about brave but he is a very confident dog especially when it comes to leaping and jumping! His father was called Tigger and I think it would have been an appropriate name for Robbie if he hadn't been blue! Tony
  23. I'm leaving my car in the local station car park so I won't be leaving the roof open. The Scenic roof openings look bigger than the windows on Don's train. Though if anybody wants any hair my car is full of it, but I'm not sure how well Blue Roan Spaniel hair can be transplanted.
  24. I won't be getting my haircut for the ER meeting as it is still OK from the last trim. This I know as my wife hasn't told me I'm looking like Compo again or looking deranged. She did ask me to remember to get some cash today. I replied I wasn't planning to buy anything on Saturday but it was for her visit on Saturday to the new chiropodist. She isn't sure if they accept card payments. Matthew will be taking himself shopping on Saturday but he can use his own cashcard! I haven't decided what to wear tomorrow. I usually solve the problem of colour coordination by only ever buying dull colours. I do however have a bright blue and orange fleece I got at a huge discount. Perhaps it was a diverted cancelled export order for the South African Railways. Actually it is a New Zealand brand, perhaps it is a southern hemisphere colour scheme. Tony
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