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Dan Griffin

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Posts posted by Dan Griffin

  1. Hmm I agree although its only minor it seems to have been corrupted somehow during the preparation process, apologies must try harder my end, it didn't show up at all on the proofs.



    Kevin, it was by no means a dig at you. your publications are excellent.

  2. I obtained a copy of this book from the Ian Allen shop at Waterloo along with he class 40 one.


    Kevin, Excellent in a word, However, I don't know if it stretches for the entire print run but the aforementioned picture of 66789 in my copy is quite pixelated, almost like its a mobile phone picture blown up too big. This is the first time ever that I've noticed a picture that is poor quality in the 40+ Strathwood books I own.





  3. 14 years this year, started as a signaller at Helpston, went onto the Relief and covered all the 'out based' boxes in the Peterborough area, then when that jib was dissolved, I took up residency at Eastfield, for anyone who knows Peterborough, that's the sidings next to Toys R Us. After a few years there I went into the PSB as a signaller, and now im a Shift Signalling manager in the same PSB. I was recently successful in being promoted to a Train Running controller in the York ROC, but had to turn the job down due to various reasons, so an SSM I shall remain for the foreseeable future. I also did my work experience with Railtrack in the same PSB im now manager of, little did I know then what that work experience would lead too!

    • Like 7
  4. On the day I joined BR I was advised that I had to belong to a Trade Union (it was a closed shop then), and as a Clerical Officer I could choose the NUR (as it was then) or the TSSA; However the person dealing with me (who happened to be a TSSA Rep) only had application forms for the TSSA, so that was who I joined !. Although I never had to use the Union's services for any personal issues, I did not regret joining and would not have wanted to be without their back-up, especially during the upheavals of privatisation and Railtrack's demise. However, as soon as I retired I left the Union, partly through simply no longer needing their services, but also because I did not appreciate the Union telling me which way to vote in General Elections; I can make my own mind up.

    I was in the TSSA, now I'm in none! its a bl**dy expensive way of getting a diary. plus when I lost my job as a relief signaller, I obtained a copy of the meeting minutes and all the TSSA rep said was 'good morning'! there was no fight for our case. so that was that! It was a shame really as my grandfather had been the local TSSA rep for years and years before he died. IMHO it seems any power the unions used to have, have been eroded away over time and by the 'cotton wool' culture that is so apparent now-a-days.

  5. Hello, 


    time for a belated update, as the glorious weather and work have taken there toll, this up date comes not long before the next new pack should arrive. As you may have seen previously I have a working model now, but that was not all that came with pack 8. 


    After the leg build and test the next item was a fan favourite, The Mole.



    first off was chassis and support structure.



    next the wheels, (the same build as previous POD vehicles) were made and the bottom of the chassis glued together.



    next the support for the drill machine was constructed. the holes on this were too small and had to be opened up with a round file for the pieces to fit. 



    the support was then attached to the chassis and was tested to ensure that it still operated by tilting forward. 



    the Mole body comes pre painted and pre printed. one slightly humorous error that is printed on the body side it 'Head hats required' as opposed to Hard required. but the printing is so small it does not detract from the model.



    the finished result. there were a few small extra details to add to the body and the drill was two parts, only one of which, according to the instructions needed glue, the actual drill should have been loose, but mine was such a loose fit it kept falling off when the model was posed in the drilling position. so I tagged it on with a spot of plastic magic. 



    Ready for action. 



    Following now are some picture of the leg build, assembling the motor and gear box into the main superstructure of TB2. In the video the model is quite shaky when it lowers, but asking around and looking at other peoples builds it looks like tis a common problem, which is resolved slightly when the rest of the body and wings are in place. I will be coating all the plastic gears in Vaseline before the whole thing is finished. 



    The completed motor, gear box and leg spring assembly. 




    Also in the build was the start of another POD, POD 4, home of Thunderbird 4. I have skipped the build for this as it is identical for the POD 3 build so far, but this one will have TB4's launch ramp inside, so I will detail that when the time comes. 





    Until next time guys, 


    F A B.







    • Like 14
  6. Bachmann do the Thomas stuff for the USA. Presumably, Bachmann Europe (or even Bachmann USA) could start selling it over here but will need to buy the licence currently held by Hornby.


    Hornby's licence runs out at the end of this year and the tooling for much of their TTTE range is in need of replacement. That represents an investment they either can't afford or is not commercially viable once the cost of renewing the licence is added on top. 


    More logical to invest in new models that won't see a hefty slice of the profit creamed off by others. 


    It will be interesting to see if the cost of acquiring the UK licence puts Bachmann off, too.






    Bachmann already have some rights to sell Thomas in the UK, as they sell the G Scale train sets, so maybe it'd just be a case of extending it now to cover HO/OO models. Bachmann as a whole is a very much larger company than Hornby and can maybe absorb more of the financial hit imposed by the licensing fee's.


    Personally speaking the Bachmann models are in a league of their own compared to the Hornby products of old. for a start the actually look like the characters, and are easily dcc fitted. My kids have loads that I have picked up from various places.

  7. Hello all,


    I have fitted a Hornby TTS sound decoder to one of my dads  Bachmann 8 pin class 20's, and all works well and as it should,


    he also has a br green Bachmann 20 that has a 21 pin decoder fitted. I have altered the cv to allow them to run together, however, the green one, with its 21 pin chip it a heck of a lot faster than the sound fitted one. running them together at the moment is proving an impossibility.


    can anyone advise me on what cv's to alter on the 21 pin equipped 20 so that they run in unison?


    I am using a Dynamis to alter the cv's if that makes a difference. I have no other dcc system to use.

    many thanks



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