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Etched Pixels

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  • Location
    Swansea, Wales
  • Interests
    Pregrouping and modern era modelling
    DCC and computer control

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  1. Nothing like a bit of warm crumpet for lunch

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    2. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      Crumpet while thinking at least. And with proper jam (the sutff whose main ingredient list isn't glucose syrup and then a chemistry set) but starts Strawberries...


    3. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      Crumpet while thinking at least. And with proper jam (the sutff whose main ingredient list isn't glucose syrup and then a chemistry set) but starts Strawberries...


    4. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      Crumpet while thinking at least. And with proper jam (the sutff whose main ingredient list isn't glucose syrup and then a chemistry set) but starts Strawberries...


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