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Blog Entries posted by Ragtag

  1. Ragtag
    Well, the arrival of some parts from Sommerfeldt meant that today I was finally able to crack on with this project.
    A lick of paint and some glazing:

    The modified roof, showing the flat plasticard section and the original section filed to shape:

    Detailing parts from Hurst:

    The Sommerfeldt panto in place:

    Additional insulators at the non-panto end:

    Overall view of the new roof awaiting a second coat of paint:

  2. Ragtag
    Below are some pictures of my recently completed Network Rail loco and DBSO. Conversions were carried out using parts from Hurst Models, Railmatch paint, and transfers from Hurst and Fox. A Mk2 coach has also been repainted but needs a final decision on numbering. The Mk2s were picked up cheaply at a recent show, while the 31 is a Lima model picked up for less than ??20 on ebay. All repainting was carried out by hand. The DBSO still needs a little detailing work, most notable the addition of an object deflector.






  3. Ragtag
    I've finally managed to crack on with some work on the badger this week. I'm now happier with the profile of the cab end, and I've also started work on the roof panels. They're more or less done, though there is still detailing to be done on the pantgograph well, and hinges to be added from microstrip across the whole roof. I've also filed back the class 58 chassis to fit the body, so I can finally post some shots of it on the track, posed with a couple of Mk4s and a DVT. The Intercity DVT is one im in the process of updating with a wifi dome before respraying into GNER colours also.
    I refilled the groove on the right-hand side of the cab picture and recut it and am now much happier with the results. There is still some finishing to be done on the horizontal slot and the bufferbeam, but I'm getting happier with the overall appearance. So, enough waffling from me:




  4. Ragtag
    Well, work commitments have kept my modelling time to a premium recently. However, after a couple of people badgered (sorry) me via PM about how the project was going, I finally set aside a couple of hours to crack on with it. The nose is starting to take shape now, with most of the major surgery completed and just minor refinements needed to get the cutouts looking the part. There is one small groove still to carve, and a small grille to etch. Headlight recesses still need to be done - I haven't tackled these yet as I'm still in two minds about whether or not to try fitting some Express Models lighting. The photos below show the nose in it's current state - I've given it a quick coat of primer to identify areas which need further filling/sanding and to checkout the overall shape of the cutouts.
    EDIT: apologies for the poor picture quality, they looked ok on the mobile screen. Will post some better quality ones later in the week.


  5. Ragtag
    I had a nice long post typed out but the forum ate it and I'm tired so, in a nutshell: a little more filling and sanding before detailing work begins on the nose, and I decided to fill the centre join and sand off the raised line along the bodyside. I think it is starting to take on the right sort of shape though.


  6. Ragtag
    Well, here's is a sneak peak at another of my current projects. In an effort to maximise the crossover of stock between my two layouts, I decided that once EWS lost the mail by rail contract, Scotswood Bridge depot would have passed to the hands of GNER for small-scale maintenance jobs. This provided a wonderful excuse to try and build a loco I've always had a soft spot for: 89001. I'm working from the 1998 article in Railway Modeller which is based on heavy kitbashing of Hornby HST bodies and a class 58 chassis. I believe DC Kits once did a resin bodyshell, but I think it was a limited run and would probably be quite pricey now, even if I could find one. So - a trip down to Rolling Stock at North Shields turned up two HST bodies for £2. I figured I'd give it a go the RM way first. This project is a lot more complex than anything I've tackled before, so it's going to have a bit of a learning curve to it. I'm pleased with the results so far however.
    So, here goes.
    The initial cut and shut:

    Ready for it's nose job:

    The bare bones. The new section has since been refined, gaps filled, and a plasticard panel fixed on to cover the large gap in the front:

    EDIT: now that blog uploads are fixed, the pics should be a more sensible size
  7. Ragtag
    Attached below is a photographic record of the first day's work on this conversion. The Mk1 coaches were picked up cheaply from a local model shop. I used 2 BSKs for this conversion. I made a bit of a mistake, however. What I'd thought on first glance were 2 Hornby coaches turned out to be 1 Hornby and 1 Mainline. This caused some issues with the thickness of the coach sides when rejoining them, but nothing that couldn't be rectified by a little filing. I used the Hornby model as the 'base' for the chassis, roof and sides; and used the mainline sides to fill in the missing windows etc that I needed.
    It's worth saying that I've been working purely from photographs rather than scale plans, and that the window positions are estimated rather than precise. I'm of the opinion that if it looks right, it is right.
    The first step was to plan the arrangement of the new coach sides. I numbered the plans and numbered the corresponding pieces of plastic on the back to avoid confusion:



    Shut. I used styrene rod to reinforce the joins. It's important to leave enough room to glaze the windows:

    Testing the fit of the new sides in the coach chassis:

    And the other side:

    The joints in the coach side were then filled:

    And sanded. I then sprayed a coat of primer to identify areas that needed further filler or sanding:

    The coach ends with detail removed. New windows still need to be cut:

    Test fit of the remaining 'normal' roof section:

    And again:

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