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Sidecar Racer

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Everything posted by Sidecar Racer

  1. And the Red Arrows used them for quite a few years .
  2. Well as the background buildings resemble these , https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@55.7544205,37.6194883,2a,90y,351.26h,95.63t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJzYnaKagVWFF25sTh2whZg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu , you coUld purchase those items in the GUM .
  3. But you don't eat pizza any more , look at that lovely plate of salad I gave you earlier . 😂
  4. I agree that some results can be odd in relation to mechanical things , but other times it can produce acceptable results . Here is one where I asked for a racing motorcycle and sidecar . But trying to get something a bit more accurate by asking for a F1 class bike it got a bit confused .
  5. I've just had my first instance of page duplication , 12859 and 12860, but for a while this thread has often been slow loading and page changing while other threads and areas work fine .
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