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Everything posted by jamie92208

  1. Some years ago our church was being renovated and as a listed building we needed all sorts of permissions. One was from Natural England to prove it wasn't a bat roost. The lady I spoke to was actually very helpful and said that the only way was to observe the building at dusk and record bat movements. We then had the terrible job of going up on a summer evening with two chairs and a bottle of red and watching and recording bats. Funnily enough they always seemed to fly in pairs. However they were never seen to come out of the church only round it so we got permission to do the work. It was very hard work..... Jamie
  2. It was quite difficult. Most of the structure was ash with some pitch pine. In general the screws had wasted at the junction between the pieces of wood being joined. The corner pillars (Ash) were secured to the underframe (Pitch Pine) by 10" long 1/2" Whitworth bolts. At one end i used a Stilson to remove them. I expected them to twist and snap but to my surprise the head kept moving down. They had twisted through 180 degrees but the nuts came free and were reused. At the other end, which had been more exposed to weather they just twisted and snapped. Done up in 1898 and removed in 2006. Jamie
  3. Sue Grabbit and Run must be short of fees. Jamie
  4. When I was restoring the horse tram, every svrew had to be replaced. These were all 100 yr old steel slot heads. Most of the totally recalcitrant ones had to have their heads drilled out then the pieces of wood separated before using mole grips to get the rest of the screw out. I did a littlecphoto essay on the website and it became the most viewed item on the blog. Jamie
  5. I remember seeing Connies and Superconnies on a visit to Heathrow when I was 7. My next visit it was VC10's, 707's and DC8's. Jamie
  6. Good moaning. I got plenty done yesterday. The meeting with the architect was interesting. He didn't want to concede anything but when he couldn't open the gate he was on the back foot. I think the result was a score draw, but all the major faults are to be rectified. Then back home and thec4th foundation hole for the swing was dug. Once the tree roots are cut the worst but is the bottom 3" in the stone layer. The woodwork was coated with preservative, until it ran out. It's now ready for concreting. Some other minor tasks then lunch. In the afternoon, not a lot done then out for excellent fish and chips. This was at a converted barn that two Flemish ladies run as a restaurant. They have a huge variety of Belgian beer on sale. Beth tried two from Triporteur. Heaven a blonde one, and Hell a dark one at 6.6% that was excellent. This morning we are off on our bikes to check a friend's gite before visiting another friend who is recovering from a cataract operation. A nice triangular trip. If the weather holds I may be mixing concrete this afternoon. Regards to all. Jamie
  7. I am having a problem with images uploaded from mY Windows 10 laptop. Thevimages will all be in lanscape format on my machine but when I upload 5 or 6, whilst keeping under the 10Mb limit, one if them will be rotated through 90 degrees. I havevtried rotating the image backwards and forwards and re saving it on the laptop, but no joy. I have even rotated the image on the laptop before I uplowd it but it still stays 90 degrees to the right. Any suggestions would ge appreciated. This has only happenned on my Jamie's Random railway pictures thread. Jamie
  8. Or their neighbours should buy cockerels and use pig slurry as fertiliser. Jamie
  9. We get them in our garden each year they look lovely. Jamie
  10. Good morning from the Charente. First the final one from Manchester Piccadilly that refused point blank to load the right way round. (corrected on reloading in 2022) We then move into 2005 with a trip to Scotland. I will have a dig around and should be able to find a date. Keith and I had a trip to Glasgow on £10 tickets courtesy of his daughter who is a Train Manger on Cross Country. I think from memory that we got upgraded to 1st class by one of her colleagues. Anyway the day turned out well as we finally saw 156 513 after many trips north. We were both convinced that with 13 as the final digits it actually only existed in Brigadoon. Then, I think to Hellensborough Central . I did like the maroon and cream livery. Then Balloch. Then Glasgow Central and a 314 in the old SPT colours. Hopefully some more tomorrow. Jamie
  11. I've had a look at it and the funnel does seem to be RN type. Perhaps it's somewhere in the Southampton area. Jamie
  12. The badger incident doesn't sound nice. They are powerful creatures. Fortunately the sanglier( wild boar) don't come near us and we very rarely see them when driving. We see more deer around. We do however have a variety of rodents, most are harmless but I don't want them nesting in my modelling room. Outside the whip snakes (harmless to us) and various airborne predators keep their numbers down. Owls, Buzzards and Hen Harriers that our neighbours call White Kites do a good control job. The Harriers are marvellous to watch as thet quarter the fields. When picking sloes, for gin production, we usually hear the buzzards mewing. There are badgers and foxesx around as well. Jamie
  13. Good moaning to all. It's nearly light enough to draw the curtains. Rick and Sharon, I hope that you have a good break. Good luck with thevironing Chris I got mine done yesterday as itvwas supposed to becrsining. But it didn't. However in the afternoon I got two more foundation holes dug for the swing and the last one started. Some tidying in the shed and I found a bag of missing castings. Shortly I'm off out to meet the architect who supervised the reconstruction of a friends house in the village. The house owner is stuck in Chicago due to a mixture of Covid and Visa rules. Her mother is stuck in the UK due to Covid and family troubles so wexare having to do the snagging for them. There is apparently no retention system over here so I have to attempt to persuade the architect that the various points do need attending to. Some will be easy, such as the jammed gate locks, others may take some negotiation. Then it's back home to dig the last hole. This evening we're out for fish and chips. Have fun and stay safe. Jamie
  14. The usual way to find something is to discover you need it, fail to find it then buy another. It then turns up whilst the new one is in the post. Jamie
  15. I also found where some 4 legged mouse shaped things have made a nest so those will have to be dealt with tomorrow, they were too quick for me tonight. Hopefully they can be recycled as takeaways for the owls. At leastvit's not Oz where the fauna can be rather dangerous. I don't think that the local wild boars can get into the shed. Jamie
  16. Not a lot to report over the past few days as I couldn't find the other bracket that fits on the front of the motion bracket. I looked everywhere but it was nowhere to be seen. However tonight it turned up in a packet with the other specialist castings for the valve gear. I filed the leaders off it and it fitted. Hopefully I'll be able to do some soldering tomorrow. Jamie
  17. He must have done work in France. 14 and 16 are common sizes over here plus 12 to confuse things the rows of adaptors in the DIY places have to be seen to be believed. To confuse it even further some places stock adaptors to 15mm to help expat Brits. No pre soldered Yorkshire fittings over here either. Good luck. Jamie
  18. Thanks Tony, my comment was very much tongue in cheek. I remember discussing the line with you in the Willoughby Arms. It looks like a very nice little layout. Jamie
  19. Good afternoon. I' hope that I've managed to get the errant photo to display in the correct orientation. At last. The S & C main line at Helwith Bridge is on the lower right of the picture looking northwards towards Horton in Ribblesdale. The triangular junction can be seen that leads to the quarries. Next one last one from the batch showing the Craven Line Company wagon being loaded at Stainforth. Actually looking at it it is probably being unloaded of coal for the Hoffman kiln. These wagons were loaded in both directions, lime out coal back. There is then a bit of a gap as we went across the pond for our silver wedding but this next batch were taken when we got back so probably date from early July 2004. I'm fairly sure that this was taken on a day trip to Tamworth with a Pendelino speeding south. Then a 67 but I've no idea of the location. And finally an 87 at Manchester Picadilly. There should have been another but it rotated so that will have to wait till tomorrow. Jamie
  20. So do you now need to alter LB to include the jucnction and exchange sidings. Jamie
  21. We flew home from Denver tonLondon on a BA jumbo last year my first flight in a BA one. My first ever flight was in a CP Air Jumbo from Manchester to Toronto in 1978. My brother started with BOAC on VC10's then converted to Jumbos after a few years. So it is a bit of an end of an era. Anyway yesterday went well. The frame of the swing was erected and the fixing holes marked out. I managed to dig one hole through the tree roots and rocks. I will attempt another one or two today depending on the weather. Some more tidying in the shed may take place. Not a lot else to report. Regards to all. Jamie
  22. When we lost our first cat we went up to our church and sat on a bench in the graveyard then quietly drained a bottle of red and watched the sunset. Jamie
  23. The article is very good. They obviously want to keep with reach stackers rather than gantry cranes. Also apparently there us room for another two tracks on the east side plus another loading/unloading pad leaving the run round road in the centre. Jamie
  24. Quite what a booby hatch is I dare not ask. Jamie
  25. In some circles it is already considered a classic. A friend in Leeds would have it but the transport cost is too much for him. Even though google translate uses another word the locals seem to call sheds hangars, maybe that's where the word comes from. Jamie
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