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Everything posted by 87023Velocity

  1. Made a start on some more wagons for Dallam. Here are 2 barrier wagons to go with my nuclear flasks, these being still used in 2001. These are Farish OAAs with the body removed and a flat floor fitted. Just ready for spraying now. The actual vehicles are modified OBAs but I had these spare although not strictly correct.
  2. Back to some rolling stock modelling. Looking at what is currently sat on the work bench, I should have enough to keep me busy till spring 2021. Made a start on the N Gauge Society Shark which will be modelled as a ZUA to run between the Seacows. The basic kit has been built, the roof left loose for painting along with the shields on the ploughs. The chassis just needs a little bit of filler on the footsteps after cutting to reduce the wheel base. With regards livery, got a couple of options, these pictures are links from Flickr and not mine. Here is the progress so far posed with some Dapol Dogfish. Cheers Simon
  3. Hi Cav, Its a CR signals feather, I am assuming it uses tiny smd leds, it is sealed so cannot check. Cheers Simon
  4. Just been looking back through the thread, a then and now comparison: October 2014 and September 2020 Quite alot of change but still lots to do. Cheers Simon
  5. The last set of signals on Dallam are almost complete. The gantry has been glued down and the signal heads wired up. Still some tidying up to do and little bits of detail to add. Cheers Simon
  6. A small amount of progress on the signal gantry. A light coat of rail grey was applied using an airbrush to lighten the grey up. The signal heads and route indicator have been glued in position. Going to leave overnight to dry then bed in tomorrow and hopefully wire up. The signal post to the right also needs to be reconnected. Cheers Simon
  7. Cracking picture Cav, are you going to fit replacement bogies, 5.1mm wheelsets and drop the ride height of the Freightliner flats? Cheers Simon
  8. Thanks Dave, need to get it finished and running. Got the next 90 waiting in the wings to become an RFD one with the blue roof - need to order some more PH design detailing kits. Cheers Simon
  9. Thanks for all the comments regards back dating, I may think about it, honest! ...... Back to some actual modelling tonight. The second signal gantry which needed scratch building has been progressed a bit further. The gantry has been cleaned and given a coat of Halfords grey primer. The first of the signal heads for this gantry has been wired up and tested. The signal identification numbers are WN181 & WN182. Hopefully get the other head wired up tomorrow. Cheers Simon
  10. Blue squares are first generation DMUs. Although the warehouse was not built the sidings were in situ in 1984 although I think one of the far roads had a run around loop. I think the sidings were mainly used for steel wire in the mid 80's. Cheers Simon
  11. Sorry my mistype, no not change Dallam trackwork. Have a small experiment on a small board to evaluate for future layouts. I could have gone down the code 40 route for Dallam but I decided to stick with code 55 as it was my first venture into N gauge. If I went down the code 40 route I would probably make the points using copperclad sleepers and soldered assembly. Cheers Simon
  12. I am tempted to try code 40, I may have an experiment at some point. With Dallam, the main benefit would be the crossovers in the middle of the layout, they should 40mph and are basically Pecos largest point which is nowhere near realistic for a 40mph crossover. Cheers Simon
  13. I can do 87030 Black Douglas, although the mk1 BG is now a DVT....... again from Flickr Cheers Simon
  14. Need to stop this now, if my mate see's this, he keeps saying I need to move it back to 1984.
  15. Hi David, This looks like an interesting layout in the making and I like the idea of flexibility with the location. With regards to the code 40 and the class 87's & 90's, the later China versions I understand should be ok. The thing about the wheelsets on the 87 & 90 is the diameter is to small. I am looking at changing all mine to larger wheels as used in the 47/57 which will be the finer profile. Cheers Simon
  16. Thanks Rich, I don't think I would have been as attracted to doing this in N gauge say 15 years ago comparing to whats available now. That being said an update of the 87 & 90 would be nice. Thanks Jack and you too, cannot believe Dallam was at Blackburn last year and we were talking layouts. Its very wet here so may nip into the garage for 5mins... Thanks Trevor, glad you like it. Hopefully Dallam will be out and about next year! Cheers Simon
  17. Thanks, I think I rub my hands with glee, my wallet on the other hand..........
  18. Good morning everyone, had a play around with Power Director to create a sort of running session if you will for Dallam, I have also included a few stills at the start and end. Should have been set up at Wigan this weekend but maybe next year! Hope you all have a great weekend! Cheers Simon
  19. Still no modelling started yet, still playing! A gap between the cargowaggons allows a shot of 08802 whilst shunting Dallam freight terminal
  20. A gap between the cargowaggons allows a shot of 08802 whilst shunting Dallam freight terminal.
  21. Just had a brief test run of the new Revolution Trains KUA, all ok, just need the inspection saloon to complete the train.
  22. Thanks for all the comments everyone. It was great to actually have a running session after the summer break. This morning the superb Revolution trains KUA nuclear wagons arrived. A couple of quick pictures. Will have a run tonight. Just need some EWS inspection saloons as support vehicles. Cheers Simon
  23. Wow, these are stunning, just arrived and placed on layout. Need some EWS inspection saloons now. Well done Mike and Ben and thanks for such a superb model.
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