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Gallows Close

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Everything posted by Gallows Close

  1. Hello Peter Mine too! I have managed to get one of the single motored ones running reasonably, but for the old twin motor ones a more radical solution is required. I have a project in mind, whereby the wheelsets are all repalced for split axel ones with the ability then to install all wheel pick ups. The idea is to concentrate on one motor, and make the other car as free running as possible and house the decoder. Once I've worked it all out, I'll write it up. Thanks, and best wishes, Chris.
  2. Hello Brian, No problem - please continue. I find it fascinating reading stories and anecdotes inspired by seeing a model. To me, the fact that you see something that reminds you of the real location in my models is a feeling that I've succeeded in capturing the feel of the place properly. Thanks, and best wishes, Chris.
  3. Hello Royal Oak, you are correct. The train will take the Sheffield line at South Kirkby Junction. I think there has been a bit too much copy and paste going on earlier! Thanks, and best wishes, Chris.
  4. Thanks Andi, glad you like it - Although it is far from complete, I do think it is coming together. I decided that today should be a running day, and I was also lineside with my camera. Here's what was running with the layout in 1990 mode. Arriving from Milford Junction is 56113 with empties. Passing is a King's Cross to Leeds HST with 43178 leading and 43051 on the rear - Next stop Wakefield Westgate. As 56113 propels its empties back through the weigh bridge and rapid loader, class 142's 078 and 048 pass with a Leeds to Doncaster local train - Next stop South Elmsall. It is not everyday you get a view like this. Taken from the top of the north pit headgear class 56113 can just be seen entering the rapid loader. To the left of the loco can be seen the fan evase and power hall for the colliery. Back on the embankment, 56113 has detached from its rake of HAAs and is drawing forward to run round. Passing northbound 31119 has charge of a vacuum braked engineer's trip from Doncaster Decoy to Holbeck. Passing southbound 47455 has charge of a Leeds to Bristol parcels working. Running northbound, as the MGR train is propelled back through the loader is 307130 working a Doncaster to Leeds train - The brakes have just been applied for the booked stop at Fitzwilliam. Hot on the heals of the parcels, 47487 leads an Edinburgh to Bournemouth cross country train - Next stop Doncaster. A veteran campaigner, in the shape of a class 101 power twin is still picking up speed from its stop at Fitzwilliam on a Leeds to Sheffield service - Next stop Moorthorpe. In the background 56113 has almost finished loading, and is pushing back in to the headshunt ready to depart for Eggborough PS. Running off its usual stamping grounds in the Calder Valley, 155342 has been pressed in to service on a Leeds to Doncaster train - Next stop South Elmsall. Meanwhile 56080 hurries northbound with empty HAAs running back to Knottingley. A real treat saved for last. A light engine convoy comprising 58014, 56067 and 56077. I hope you like the photos! Best wishes, Chris.
  5. Hello Alex, Good on 'yer. And we are looking forward to watching the layout develop! Best wishes, Chris.
  6. Hello Alan, From what I've read there are a lot of people waiting for your new layout thread (including me). You can't go too wrong with all those Grids as a start though. Best wishes, Chris.
  7. Hello Alan, The old Mainline / Dapol / Hornby class 56 is not a bad loco at all. For a modest outlay a decent model can be made. One tip I didn't mention in post 183 is that if you do chip the loco, either change out the filament bulbs for the headlights to LEDs , or make sure you reduce the voltage / brightness CV . The bulbs get very hot, and can melt the plastic lighting conduits. Good luck, Chris.
  8. Hello Doctor, That is a very nice link you have sent. Very similar to how the big boys did it at certain collieries. The link below is for the RLB at Sharlston Colliery. The RLB is featured at 10mins and 50 seconds. http://youtu.be/SUchDL-d60k My model is based on a different type of RLB design. An example of the type I have built is seen on this video of Silverwood Colliery. The RLB in action can be briefely seen at 6mins and 12 seconds. Loading is quite taxing on the concentration, and care is needed as the rear of the wagon fills faster than the front. The Sharlston loader design makes for a much more even load, but how to make it work like that in model form? I'd have to start all over again. http://youtu.be/0U8h48C8ZYE I do agree with you, this type of thing is always facinating to watch. Hello Peter, Thanks for posting your class 31 - very nice. Are you doing any more? Bes wishes, Chris.
  9. Hello Peter, Thanks for dropping in.. At the speed I model, in a year you don't miss much! Feel free to post your class 31 on here if you wish - I'd like to see it. The class 56's seem to have generated some interest. They are all based on the Mainline model, and most are running with their original motor combined with an ESU Lok Pilot and are quite satisfactory in this form. I have modified all, including making the headlights independent of direction - Coal trains propelling always show a head light, even when reversing - and using 56077 below as an example I have painted the 'gaps' on the bogies and underframes black to hide the solid moulding where there should be fresh air. One thing I'm going to try is attaching a piece of checker plate under the cab doors to hide the body mounting clip. Air hoses and a Smiths screw coupling have been added to complete. Number 56080 has always been something of a pet, being one of my oldest locos, and one of the first full repaints I did. It started as 56001 in trainload construction livery back in 1988. Recently I re-powered it with a Heljan class 47 motor and drive train as an experiment. The bogie wheel spacing was altered, and the class 56 side frames added to the gearbox sides. Inside an new cradle was made for the motor, and new mounts made for the bogie pivots. It runs like a dream, however it is a bit of a featherweight as I cannot get any more metal in there to ballast it down. It will handle about 20 empty HAA's without too much trouble, but loaded and you can forget it. I'll not repower another. I hope this is of interest. Thanks, and best wishes, Chris.
  10. Hello David, Thanks for the kind comments. Perhaps a new video is in order..... The class 42 belongs to one of my daughters. But, shall we see what it looks like in the hands of the NCB? Nahh, Not right! Besides the lack of air brakes, I'm sure the boys at the ELR would have had her away years go. I think I'm sticking with the outbased 08. Thanks, and best wishes, Chris.
  11. Hello, Time for a motive power update. The latest additions to the type 5 fleet are now almost ready for the road. Large Logo Blue 56113 has been weathered and chipped, and the thirty-quid second hand 56100 has been back dated from Loadhaul orange, and transformed into 56067 in triple grey. With all this done, I could not resist a type 5 line up. Here is 56067 - just awaiting couplings and air pipes, plus a quick weather to complete. Front to rear are 56113 (LLB), 58037 (Railfreight Grey), 56077 (Railfreight Grey), 56067 (Triple Grey), 56080 (Triple Grey) and 58014 (Triple Grey) Shades of Knottingley! Last up, an artistic shot. You can almost smell the diesel fumes! Thanks, and best wishes, Chris.
  12. Hello All, Thanks for the comments, I rather like the pair of 31's myself. It is nice to do up old stuff, there is a great deal of pleasure in firstly the research, and then the challenge of making something that's (let's face it) at least 20 years old look pretty good. The Power Hall has now been re-assembled as one unit and is already looking much better now that it is true and square. (Just wondering what that Warship is doing lurking there in the background?) I have also rigged up for a "test plonk" to check everything still fits the hole on the base boards. Now to get on with the roof and the rest of the brick detailing, and then...... Thanks, and best wishes, Chris.
  13. Evening, I haven't posted on here for a long while - Just browsing through tonight, and I love seeing what others are up to. The quality is fantastic. I thought I'd have a try with a couple of mine. A couple of class twenties load up in the first one. A local Leeds to Doncaster train passes. Enjoy! Best wishes, Chris.
  14. Hello All, With the holidays started, I managed to get on with a few jobs on the layout. First up the power house. I had originally designed this building to bridge the split on the baseboards, with the roof line being the divide between the two boards and the two halves of the building. To be honest, it never really worked, and it was a constant source of disappointment. So, I removed the building, and I'm in the process of making it in to one complete unit. It will then plant back in its original hole. The two main walls have been strengthened, and a floor will be added to allow representation of some of the winding machinery, compressors and auxiliary equipment. have some photos of the inside of the power house at Taff Merthyr and also Penallta to use as guidence. I have also rebuilt the roof sections with pantiles. The locomotive fleet has also not been neglected. Entering service after a very long absence is 56113. This loco survived in large logo blue until 1992 as far as I can tell before going triple grey, and so is perfect for my modelling period. Here she is looking slightly careworn. Another class 56 has entered the works, and will emerge as 56072 in railfreight triple grey. She was repainted in 1989 and again is perfect for my chosen period. The class 31 that was on the bench has also entered service as 31119. This is a Lima model which started out as a triple grey example and has had the motor disabled and a function only decoder fitted. It will run in multiple with 31132, and so will not require a motor. More updates on the power house project soon. Thanks, and best wishes, Chris.
  15. Hello Alex, Just back from my hols..... The class twenties currently on the bench are:- 20052 - BR Blue 20090 - Railfreight 20129 - BR Blue 20177 - BR Blue The choice of locos has been governed by the availability of bogies. I have five donor locos to make the four examples, however at least one of them rode on two different bogie types at the same time (a different one at each end) - so I want to get that correct. I have sound decoders in stock for all four. I'll probably not post them on this thread as it is a bit "off topic" not being kitbuilding or scratchbuilding. Thanks, and best wishes, Chris.
  16. More updates from the workbench. Not all fits the Multiple Unit brief however, with the airbrush out I have also been busy updating some old stuff. I have had a Mainline model of class 56, 56077 in my fleet since the early 1980's, but it was a little too early for my modelling period of '88 to 94, so with a bit of research I discovered that it carried original Railfreight grey from about 1985 until 1990. So I decided that it would pass through the works. Lying in a box for a long time has ben a Lima class 31 in Railfreight distribution livery - again a bit of research put a suitable candidate loco in civil engineer's Dutch livery around my modelling period, and so she too has entered the works and will emerge as 31119. I just need some white number sets to complete. Finally, and I hope this is not overload I have taken a couple more shots of the AM7 from the other end of the unit. I am already looking at the next projects to pass through the works. I have a class 20 project waiting to go, where I intend to create two early nineties pairings. But for the MUWS I have a genesis of an idea to create a parcels unit - a class 114 in Royal Mail red with roller shutter doors. A spur of inspiration from a well respected modeller has given me the push to try a DPU - common in the area in my chosen period. Watch this space ! Thanks, and best wishes, Chris.
  17. Hi Alex, The pits are really coming to life - I'm sure you'll be as keen as we, the readers are to see all of the pits in place with lights and the floor down. Keep plodding on - it will be well worth it. Best wishes, Chris.
  18. Wow, thnaks for the positive feedback.. Much appreciated. Hello Clive, I always thought that the Crimson rather suited them - certainly it sat better than NSE. If its green you want, then you'll have to do it yourself And whilst you are at it you'll have to backdate the OLE! Seriously Clive, you have been a great help in getting this far, thanks. Chuffed indeed. Its nearly 25 years since the 307s plied their trade in West Yorkshire, it goes so fast.... Thanks again for all the support, Chris
  19. Hello All, Time for an update on the AM7. The unit is now all painted, lined out and has had transfers applied - and I think it looks rather good. Still on the to do list for this one: 1. The odd window or two still to fit 2. Ride height and underframes 3. Interiors All-in-all, I'm very pleased with this now, and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'd love to hear your feedback. Best wishes, Chris.
  20. Hello RM Webbers, After what seems like an age, the ugly duckling of the EMU world has entered the paint booth to hopefully emerge as a swan in WYPTE Crimson and Buttermilk. Before it went in I had completed the exhausting process of filling and sanding. I then added gangways to the car ends. These have been built up from plastic strip to match the Mk I EMU gangway style which differs from the coach gangways in having no fabric bellows. I have also added the toilet filler pipes as can be seen below on the left most coach. Still left to spray is the roof colour and the coach ends. I also have the orange stripe to add below the cream band, as this is the early version of WYPTE Red livery. For this I'm tempted to spray it, but it sits just below the door hinges and I'm afraid of smudging it. The thought of running a transfer along the coach makes me shudder though..... Once done, I'll need to add all of the MW pipes, handrails and of course transfers. Thanks for looking in, Chris.
  21. Or perhaps styrene tube cut back to form a hood....? Best wishes, Chris.
  22. Hi Brian, I wanted to click "like" for the fence and "craftsmanship/clever" for the models - but I can only choose one... So I'll write it instead! Best wishes, Chris
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