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Blog Entries posted by steammad

  1. steammad
    Some time ago I bought a craft robo vinyl cutter, to use to cut out vinyl stickers to sell, but more recently I have been looking at what other uses I could use it for.
    I have been playing about for some time cutting different things. The first thing I tried was corridor connections for coaches, which I now have down to a tee, the next thing I wanted to create was vinyl coach sides, as I wanted to recreate a blue pullman ( which I'm sorry to say has been selved for the time being, as I lost interest)
    So this brings me on to what I am now going to use the robo for.......Buildings
    The craft robo comes with it's own design software, which allows you to create different shapes and sizes, plus allows you to build up a picture. So with that in mind I have set to it.
    In this blog I want to show you how I get on with creating buildings, as I believe the robo should be a useful tool to allow me or anyone to create beautiful buildings. Cutting down the amount of time it takes to make buildings by hand, plus if I want more than one, I can create them quickly.
    I have made a start today and have done a test building that I could quickly throw together, to see how easy I can do it.
    All buildings will be N Gauge
    I would also be interested in seeing if any one else out there is using there robo for this purpose and they get on with it, and maybe we could have a section for sharing our creations.
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