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Posts posted by Horsetan

  1. ...But you've got to try all seven haven't you?

    Well, obviously, but I was slightly surprised to see the Church appearing to condone it. What's the official line the Church is taking on this?

    • Like 6
  2. As a (perhaps flippant) aside, it's a fact of life that men like fires.

    You only need to look at pics of picketers huddling around 45 gallon drums with holes in them during the Winter of Discontent to know this is true.

    Men like burning stuff, it's part of the human condition!

    That's why we have arsonists.


    If you absolutely must keep your stove or fireplace, and are thinking about alternatives to wood, might I suggest this?




    ...and the beauty of it is that there is an almost inexhaustible supply of the stuff from your nearest riding school, livery yard, field......

  3. Slight pause, but nothing sinister - been away for 10 days or so at the end of last month.




    Chassis is now complete



    Front end looks very 'busy'. The diagonal rod is the linkage to the cylinder drain cocks.



    Partly to prove that it's finished on both sides(!) Prominent here is the rear sand box. The front one is all but obscured by the motion bracket and steps - but it is there!


    Finally, as promised last time, some video to prove that it all works



    You should be able to see the inside valve gear working on the second pass. On the final two runs, look carefully and you should be able to detect the valve rod moving back and forth.


    Hopefully shouldn't be long now before loco and the trial resin boiler casting are united for the first time...

    That is s.e.x on a stick.

  4. ....Back from the church conference, where naturally the evening sessions were fuelled by alcohol.  Only keg beers and I won't drink keg bitter, so each evening  I had a couple Stellas followed by a Leffe blonde.  The Bishop overestimated the wine this morning, so I assisted in consuming the excess....

    I thought drink was one of the seven deadly sins?

  5. Now here's something a bit different in Tesco's car park today - makes a change from the occasional Ferrari or Maser - and it's long time since I saw a real one of these. (finishing up as a truly major rebuild job after going somewhat astray at Becketts at Silverstone back in the late 1960s). Anyway this one is an ASM replica DBR which has been in the hands of its present owner for 12 years although he said he hasn't raced it for a couple of years as he's been racing his E Type instead; he's hoping to get this back on the track next year. Made a superb noise not only leaving the car park but heading away on the main road over 100 yards away.....

    Presumably it had enough room for the shopping.

  6. .... if I actually managed to put away 6 or more pints now, I would probably have a monster hangover lasting about 2 days.


    I think you'd have better results with Belgian beer....

  7. One of Willam Hague's pals is he?


    Seriously, no.


    Many of the CAMRA people I met via Probate were quite left of centre, including the deceased, but had little time for La Revoluçion de Corbyn #islingtonpopularfront

    • Like 11
  8. ....Been a loooong time since I could match Chris's beer intake, I have had two this week. None, last week. I've lost the habit.

    To be fair, I think Chris is capable of sinking a far higher daily average than only six pints, real ale fan that he is.


    Through my Probate work, I'm acquainted with Chris Holmes who used to run Castlerock Brewery,




    (the fella on the right of the photo link) and he can sink ten on a day. He taught me a lot about the real ale game.

    • Like 14
  9. Once upon a time technicians with IBM (Xerox as well I seem to recall) used to have to wear clip-on ties for similar reasons. I saw first hand the reason why when one id10t was working on an old tape drive and managed to catch his tie in the reel. No damage to the technician but he managed to b*gger up the whole tape. 


    Could the tape read heads get a signal out of polyester?

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