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Posts posted by Rammy

  1. Hi Dave, thanks for your kind words about my layout, the details for the trees and bushes are on these pages (page 15 post 372 and page 18 post 429 give more detail).

    The loading dock timbers were just given a wash of very watered down poster colour, mainly white and a touch of burnt umber and black. The detail of all my bits and pieces are in the various posts, the majority of materials that I use are  from what I can adapt from some other use and it saves money aswell, thanks for looking regards Adrian.

    Thanks for the info Adrian. Settling down now with a cuppa and reading through the whole thread.



  2. I think this is the first time I have come across this layout and I have to say your modelling skills are superb.

    The detail of your loading dock you have just created is amazing. One minute there are coffee stirrers on glue, the next minutes they have been transformed into aged wooden planks that look like they have been there for years!

    If you get chance to provide details of how you are creating these masterpieces, then I would love to learn.

    Also could you tell me what you have used for the trees too? They look very realistic.




  3. I spoke to Hatton's about continued  poor service from Yodel and they said that their experience is very good with Yodel and that I am unusual in having problems with them.


    AM I alone?  Does everyone else find them fantastic?

    No you are not lone Kal. I think Yodel are useless. I cancelled the contract we had with Yodel as they were so unreliable. I moved the contract to DPD and have never looked back. Yes, all carriers will have some problems but it was just a regular occurrence with Yodel.



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  4. Rammy

    Nice, just need to not let Kal see it.. :jester: .......I like the colours, did you reference them, or just choose the nice dull green. Oh and did you think there was enough hose?



    My brother painted it for me, but I think the colours were just randomly selected from what he had. He usually paints wargaming figures and vehicles which is probably why it looks like army green! There seemed to be enough hose for me, but I guess you ciudad always use thin wire or sleeping if you needed more.



  5. The concrete is looking good Phil and its great to see the return of the Green Team!

    Are you going to be filling in between the tracks with concrete too? I hate doing that bit, mainly because I normally forget to dig out the gap next to the track before it dries and then have to spend ages cutting a slot with the dremmel.

    Looking good.



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