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Posts posted by trains12

  1. Hi All

    well here are a few shots of the research vessel as of today,. I have now finished the valance around the bridge  roof , the shots show how it was done with some angle strip to hold the flat pieces on. Also a shot of the bows of the vessel showing the twin cranes for servicing the front hold as well as the fore mast and lights.


    Please post some comments on it.














    • Like 3
  2. Hi All

    Here are a few shots of the vessel as of yesterday. It is coming along well have the hole init from the bridge down to the bottom of the vessel for the wires and LED but still need to carve outmore balsa wood to fit in the battary. Meanwhile fitting on the hand rails and many of the small items like the wireless rods and radars. The scuppers have to be fitted on and finish of the large doors. Some of the parts on the corriders have also be painted.



























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  3. Hi Jinty


    At present I have The Bridge of Muir layout minus the two fiddle yards ( They dont fit in the unit) The front half of Great Tunsley Dale which is having the buildings repaired after they got damaged 12 months ago in the van, and Water Mill Halt up. BoM & WMH are both working DCC so I am thinking that in the next few weeks or at Easter on the Saturday having a open day were fellow members of the RMWeb if they so wish can come down and in the words of Wendy play toy trains. All would be welcome. If it could be arranged might even have a BBQ. Would you or any body out there be interested. Martin, Ray & Polly, Carwen, Bangor Lad, Coachman, andy to name a few.

    Hi All


    Well nobody has come back to me to say that they would like to come to the unit for a couple of hours of Playing toy trains so I dont know if I shoud go down this Saturday to the unit or not. If anybody wants to please let me know ASAP.


    Today is my birthday. I want say how old but I want see 21 again that for sure! Been taken out to the Slate Musuem  but it rained, but am now going to my best Curry house for a slap up mixed curry feast. Frist time that I did not get any railway items , mind you Wendy did get me a K1 a few weeks ago so cant complain.


    Have done some more work on the ship so will post some shots over the next few days.





  4. Hi All

    Well here are a few shots of the vessel as of last night. As stated before it is now going to be used on Glen Gillie at the harbour in stead of the small fishing boat.

    I have detailed the inside of the bridge  with the various bits of equipment that is found on them.. Still a lot of work to be done but it is coming along.


















    • Like 1
  5. I'd say with your skills that it would be a stunning addition to your current offerings, and if the space and storage constraints can be overcome, then I'd say go for it - subject, of course to agreement with Wendy.


    I don't think I have any chance of making a new layout but I have drawn up plans for a modern image layout based upon a Navel/ Oil supply yard. Slip ways with either a sub being built or a oil supply vessel  with all the general clutter that is around these type of yards, What comes to mind is Cairnryan port near Stranraer. What is going to happen is that the boat will be used at the harbour on Glen Gillie in stead of the fishing boat. At present the the decks and bridge are being made.



  6. Posting this while Wendy is out. The shot is of a new boat that I am making, this can be followed in my Peters workbench thread. It has now been surrgested that a further extenstion or a new layout for Glen Gillie / Bridge of Muir be done to depict a harbour scean similar to that at KKle of Lochalshwhich these type of ships do visit. It dose have a feel to it, butr the main problem would be storage? Any comments.











    • Like 1
  7. Hi Peter


    I was searching the site and came across your post for the transformer wagon. I'm currently developing a kit for this wagon myself in etched nickel silver and was wondering if while you were building your own wagon, you had managed to unearth any photographs other than the two in Bob Esserys book. Photos of the wagon seem to be as rare as hens teeth so any help you can offer would be most welcome.


    I'm very impressed with your layout, you have made a superb job of the trackwork and the scenics are very convincing, well done.



    Hi Ian

    We have here in the research centre some drawings and other photographs from the LNER showing details of these wagons which we would have to look into but just at present we cannot gain access properly to all the stuff in the centre due to a major problem with the floor. The weight of over 120,000 items has caused 3 of the main beams to sag down at one end. One of the books that we used was an LNER one on moving large items. We provide a lot of information to commercial people ie authors, kit designers using The Railway Study Centre library. Will try and sort something out.

    Keep in touch


  8. Hi All

    A plea for help. I am in the process of converting Glen Gillie Loch Inch into DCC. What I have been told is that I need to make power districts. What I need is some help in how you do this etc. So is there anybody near me in North Wales that can call round and point me in the right direction on what I need and how to do it.

    Thank you


    • Like 1
  9. Hi Jinty


    At present I have The Bridge of Muir layout minus the two fiddle yards ( They dont fit in the unit) The front half of Great Tunsley Dale which is having the buildings repaired after they got damaged 12 months ago in the van, and Water Mill Halt up. BoM & WMH are both working DCC so I am thinking that in the next few weeks or at Easter on the Saturday having a open day were fellow members of the RMWeb if they so wish can come down and in the words of Wendy play toy trains. All would be welcome. If it could be arranged might even have a BBQ. Would you or any body out there be interested. Martin, Ray & Polly, Carwen, Bangor Lad, Coachman, andy to name a few.

    • Like 4
  10. Hi all

    Here are a few shots of the layout after the photo shoot last Friday.As usual the 13th lived up to its name. The small loco chips arrived for the two Class 14's. The first one that  I took out of the box had not been opened since I got it from Hattons last year  and I found that the two small covers that hide the body screws are missing. I then went on to fit the chip  which was quite easy but then the problems started in the fitting of the body back onto the chassis. Could not get it to seat down onto the foot plate with all the wires now under the body in the end dropped the dam thing so now we are missing the hand rails off the front steps smashed cab steps both sides part of the interior cab back plate bent. will have to see if Hattons can supply some spare parts. Needless to say the other one is still in its box untouched.













  11. Hi All


    Well last Friday Hornby Mag team Mike Wild and Mark Chivers did the photo shoot of the two layouts. Also a small video of Bridge of Muir this was after the layout on the DCC played up and we found a dry joint then a point blade came undone and sods law I had not got my tool box with me. It was The Dreaded 13th ! and it had all been checked out before.


    Any way here are a few shoots that I took on Saturday mainly showing the trees that have been added to the road along side the loch.
















    • Like 6
  12. Hi All

    Well Bridge of Muir is ready for the photo shoot tomorrow (Friday 13th) I think I will stay in bed but knowing my luck  the bed will collapse . Anyway more trees have been added and a few other items done.

    Here are a few shots of the layout.














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