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Blog Comments posted by Tel2010

  1. Thanks 18B :D

    Alas ive not got any shots of it working ,something been meaning to get around to do for a while,infact its not been run for over a year as ive been busy building a roundy roundy.(must update that blog too).Only problem ive had with it was the couplings,but i have one or two fixs to try to remedy that.


    When i get the chance i will post some updated pixs



  2. I do like that tunnel mouth, it is very convincing I can't believe it is just printed card. I would appreciate some more info on that item if you can find the time to explain further. cheers! Frank

    Hi Frank

    Thank you for your nice comments, here's a little bit more info about it as requested.


    The tunnel is 2mm card base, i used a old plastic tunnel mouth for template of the opening.


    i cut two of these, one for back.It was covered in scalescene's random ashlar paper.


    The wings are from the bridge abutment kit form same company, slightly shortened.I already had these from previous project.i did add supports behind from card scrap laying at 10 degree angle since wont be attached to back.


    The pillars are from balsa wood. the raise stone above opening and capping stones from lolly pop sticks and wood coffee stirrers from a certain Mr Mcdonold. the cap stone papers are off the abutment kit. The quoin stones from tunnel mouth are from windows and arches kit in stone,though had to fiddle about bit and half cut both sides,so could fold around arch.


    The tunnel wall is just cereal box cut bent in to arch and marked off for length.


    I used a combination of glue stick and pva glues to put it all together.


    I print out on matt photo paper.


    All i need to do now is use some artist's chalk to tone it down and lightly weather it,then give it a coat of matt varnish or fixative.


    Scalescene's do do a tunnel portal but since only usde bridge abutment kit once before, and had other papers,seemed a waist not to utilise them again.

    The beauty of these kits is you can print off as many as you like.


    Hope this gives you a better idea how it was done,feel free to ask again about anything not sure about.

    If you look at the card modeling section you will see some of the outstanding models others have built with scalescene kits and papers




    Once i get it planted will post some more photos.



  3. Hi Dave

    I transferred my stuff over from the old forum,and even though put a entry stating its all on the new site,i have still had a good few comments left there.,since doing so.

    On here peoplekeep having a look,but no comments yet, is it that people prefer the old site !

    I know im new to blogs and just about got my head round this site now.guess people will slowly come round to using it,eventually.



  4. Hi

    nice little tutorial,thanks :D


    On a couple of low relief industrial workshops i built i found some suitable photos of engineering workshop backgrounds and printed them out,i used acrylic paints to blend the floor colour into background ,as the doors are open.i also printed out a couple of details like tool cupboards and coat lockers,stuck to card and cut out.These where glued just in front of background to give a little extra details.For weathering the brickwork i use grated artist pastal.Just lightly brush on the dust.




    My link Stooperdale a layout in a boxfile

  5. Thats a very neat way of doing it.

    For inlayed track on my small layout,i used tile grout,worked great didnt shrink and sanded snooth.I had to scribed the grooves in for track.

    It was layed on a bed of cardboard over sleepers coated with PVA glue.


    When i get to do my next layout i and there's inlaid track i would certainly give your method a bash.Great Stuff :rolleyes:



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