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Posts posted by nebnoswal

  1. 3D printing is bubbling away downunder.  Given a challenge from Jerry, I made an attempt at a S&DJR 6 wheeled brake van.  Photos were limited, and accessing the drawing took  some time.  Its been through several incarnations as new information was received.  Its currently sitting on a 2mm MR 6 wheel Brake chassis.


    SDJR 6 Wheel Brake_3D.jpg

    SDJR 6 Wheel Brake test_001.jpg

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    • Craftsmanship/clever 4
  2. thanks to Sithlord, I've joined the ranks of the 3D printing.  First wagon to be attempted (succesfully) is the S&DJR 10T covered goods.  I initially started using Sketchup, while easy to use, I encountered a few issues so I moved onto Fusion 360, which seems to be goto program here.

    SDJR 10T covered goods.jpg

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  3. almost finished the SDJR Brake and EKR Van I have nothing suitable for transfers at the moment ( lots of Alphabet sheets without and R's )and as usual couplings to fit  :derisive:  In retrospect I should have used the associations MR brake chassis,  for info the  van is braked on one side only





    Have you thought about using Railtech decals?



  4. Nice layout, and great choice of station, I've been doing Stur, in N, on and off since 08.  All the way from down under.  I feel your pain with trying to find accurate photos of the cattle yards and behind the yard in general.  I've scoured the trust and many other sources but to no avail.  Best I've managed was some aerial phots take in 47.  Check my layout links to get an idea.

  5. Has been quite sometime since any updates on Stur. Things have been progressing very slowly. Trips away, a little person to look after and now winter.


    But some work has been accomplished. The remainder of the goods area buildings have been started and and progressing.



    The asbestos dry goods shed


    The water tower


    The Good shed


    This is the beginings of the Blandford & Webb Grain and Feed store


    • Like 1
  6. Hi,


    I live in Australia, and find mail to the UK an inconvenience. Can anyone help me with an email address (or fax number!) for union mills?






    Lst I heard Colin dosen't have email. I've done all my ordering, from Australia, over the phone. I'll Pm you the number.

  7. Just placed an order with Colin. Good news if that the prices have not gone up with the VAT increase (though as its his first day of trading since the increase maybe he has not adjusted them yet).


    Anyway the new loco for 2012 will be......(drumroll)



    an LNWR Cauliflower.


    Was that 2012?

  8. I've been slack of late, in particular to updates and actually working on the layout. There has been nothing major to report on of late, hence no updates. But with Christmas/summer holidays fast approaching (only 5 more work days to go), I needed to get back to work on Sturminster. So a good dusting and vacuuming latter and I decided I had better put the photographic backscene up before it gets too late. Ideally I should of done this as soon as I put the backscene up and before landscaping and scenery. The photos don't do it justice, as they have picked up all the bubbles, so this will have to be attended too soon.

    Looking into the station

    post-6928-071401200 1291552091_thumb.jpg

    Station overview

    post-6928-086897700 1291552516_thumb.jpg

    Butts Pond

    post-6928-098849400 1291552601_thumb.jpg



  9. No new work on the layout to talk about, but I’ve received some new rolling stock and vehicles. I got some of the new Mathison and Dapol private owner wagons. They are quite well detailed, but will need to be weathered down to make them aged.





    I also received some of the new Oxford diecast vehicles; the Albion horsebox and the Scammel mechanical horse.




    Have also been working on finishing off some UFO’s.





  10. Since the arrival of young Douglas, work on Sturminster has been going at a snail's pace (and in N gauge that is a very small snail! biggrin.gif ). What time I've had has been spent working reducing the UFO pile, see my blog. Am still playing around with the milk loading stage, adding some trial signage. With a 5 day weekend coming-up, hopefully some constructive work will be done.




  11. The last couple of weeks has had me dip my toes all over the place. Fortunately the heat here downunder has cooled off a bit, it was only 33C as I put a layer of top soil on the back lawn. I'm forever doing some sort of tidying up on the layout, finding those little things that need a touch-up; a bit of ballast here, a touch of paint there. I've extended the cattle yards as I felt I didn??™t have enough storage capacity(for livestock), it was a big market! And then you sit down at the work bench and get distracted and start working on some unfinished kits and projects.



    I've added an album in the galleries showing the latest progress on the layout and also some workbench projects. I was quite impressed with the laser etch kit for a Victorian Railways cattle wagon, a lot of great detail and it just needs a Peco chassis. The ships propeller is something I've been meaning to do since I saw a photo of one many years ago. It's still a work in progress




    After all the photos and comparing with the real Sturminster, I need quite a few more trees, even some big 50 footers behind the station.


    Hopefully by the end of this weekend there should be a new Noswal in the world and Sturminster will have a new junior porter/porteress on the staff.


    Passing the headshunt at Butts Pond.


    Cattle platform and Dairy facilities




  12. I don't know if it was ambitious but I made an attempt on the 6 strand wire fence that runs along the rear of the station platform. The posts still need to be toned down, and once I place the platform on the layout I can plant some rose bushes and other foliage growing over it. It turned out to be an all day project, the most tedious part being the drilling of all the holes. I tried making-up several jigs, but they seemed to destroy more fence posts than it made, so I ended-up doing each one individually, 6 holes each, 31 posts. I thought threading the wire was going to be the hardest and most frustrating part, and the 1st strand I did with tweezers. After that I dabbed some superglue onto the end of some handrail wire, attached the wire and then threaded like a needle through the fence posts, so much easier. I only had one minor hiccup, damaging a post, but a bit of glue and weathering and it will add to its derelict effect.









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