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Posts posted by frobisher

  1. On 23/04/2024 at 17:49, Steamport Southport said:

    If they did do TT then I would hope it's not something that Hornby would even contemplate. Leave them to get on with what they are doing and find something else.


    Tackling a loco maybe wouldn't be the best plan as well.  If you just take things based of reusing CAD/Research, AS's best bets to my mind would be the Siphon G, MK2 (b and c) and MK1 suburbans.


    Loco wise, I'd wait and see what Hornby actually produce and when out of their list (which has substantial crossover with AS's "potentials").  The "safest" bet of the diesels would be the Deltic.



  2. 3 hours ago, thegreenhowards said:

    This thread seems to have come down firmly on the side of the ORR.


    And rightly so - I'd advise you actually read some of the 70 pages proceeding and it should become apparent why.  WCRC are not an innocent or injured party in any of this and this is not "health and safety gone mad".  They have been caught being in contempt of exemption agreements, which funnily enough were not extended.

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  3. 15 minutes ago, nightstar.train said:

    I can't find a reference just now, but it's oft quoted on here that Bachmann have spent £1 million on the class 37 and 47 retools. I can't recall if that's each, or for both, but tooling must be a huge chunk of that, it's the main cost of a new model. Research and CAD are cheap by comparison.


    The 47 and 37 are unusual prototypes because there are so many variants to cover so shouldn't be taken as typical.  They are bread and butter items for Bachmann though so justify that level of investment.  CAD is relatively cheap, but the expense goes up developing complicated/versatile tooling (your approach has to change).  Research is probably the cheapest part of the equation.

    • Agree 1
  4. On 12/04/2024 at 20:54, Les1952 said:

    that doesn't mean those details would survive the reduction in scale without being so thin they fall apart as soon as you look at them....


    Indeed.  I suspect they would have been okay, but maybe not +£50 on RRP's worth of okay.  Hornby chose a path (probably rightly so) and Heljan's wasn't that path.

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  5. On 06/04/2024 at 11:58, Steamport Southport said:


    The Heljan Class 31 was just the CAD from their O Gauge version. They have never made a 00 Gauge Class 31....


    Never said they did, but the CAD took the same approach a their 00 models with regards separately fitted detail.

  6. On 03/04/2024 at 14:34, moawkwrd said:

    Poppycock. Hornbys 31 was always in the later phases as a potential model. It wasn’t announced and then delayed. It’s still unconfirmed to this date. There was certainly no price point announced.


    With respect;

    1. Heljan announced their intensions before Hornby announced their range, and did so not knowing the extent of the Hornby range.  Hornby made their announcement knowing Heljan's intensions, whether those models duplicating Heljan's potential development were already in their plans is not something we can know.
    2. Just because it hasn't yet got a price point doesn't mean you can't make reasonable assumptions from the 50 and the 66.  Heljan were aiming at a £199 price point, both of those are well below that (the 66 very much so).  Heljan's CAD of their 31 points to taking their 00 approach in this smaller scale, Hornby have gone slighly more "Railroady" (and probably rightly so).
    3. At announcement, we had no clear indication of the timescale of Hornby's phases and when this 31 would actually appear. Heljan knew their own timescale.
    4. Is "day one" duplication of models a good thing for a new scale trying to establish itself?


    On 03/04/2024 at 14:34, moawkwrd said:

    There was nothing stopping Heljan from continuing with their plan.


    Apart from commercial considerations obviously...

    • Agree 1
  7. 15 hours ago, moawkwrd said:

    Heljan gave up on TT like a child who didn’t get its own way. The reality is they aren’t a manufacturer who can support a new scale like Hornby could. They could’ve released their models already and beaten H by a few years… like what happens in other scales all the time.


    That's somewhat unfair.  Heljan's release of intensions was based on the knowledge a big player was entering the UK scene in the scale.  What they didn't expect was every model announced suddenly being in Hornby's own intensions at range launch, and Hornby's announced price points being quite a bit lower than theirs.  Of course, had they known how delayed Hornby would have become with their 31 they should have continued and funded with the results of the next week's lottery numbers that they'd have already had...

  8. 19 hours ago, Steamport Southport said:


    So, Graham Farish were wasting their time making both the 57XX and 64XX in N Gauge then?


    The 64XX is modern tooling and targeted because Dapol produced a 57XX, the Farish 57XX was in Noah's trainset and not in current production since they have something filling the small GWR pannier tank slot for them...



  9. 1 hour ago, GenericRMWebUsername said:

    This is somewhat frustrating. We know they have the tooling to ship the correct product. At some point they must gotten their wires crossed. It's possible they caught it in time... But we'll find out soon enough.


    Has anyone got pictures of the BG MKIIIs yet? Can we confirm those are in "as built" condition without CDL?

  10. 7 hours ago, Steamport Southport said:

    And don't forget a huge chunk of that Third Rail is actually Merseyrail. 


    "Huge"? "Significant" maybe, but not "Huge".  There's "only" two 3rd rail lines there and total length would be less than London-Bournemouth I'd have thought.

    • Like 1
  11. 6 hours ago, No Decorum said:

    Where I think Hornby went wrong was to tool a Railroad model, then attempt to sell it with a few enhancements as a main range model. The result was neither one nor the other and unsatisfactory. It didn’t help that they were mired in the “design clever” debacle.


    I think the MK1 and MK2 coaches have done well for Hornby, ditto the Tornado and Crosti 9F.  As it stands, much of the TT range is very much "design clever" and much the better for it.


  12. 1 hour ago, micklner said:

    Hornby cannot claim now they are not aware of the faults on the 8F. They either reduce the price of  the 8F  to around the Railroad pricing level and hope they still sell, or lose lots of money sending them all back to China for correction.


    Or, just sell them as are, and people will buy them like they always do.  Once they're at the retailer, they're not Hornby's problem any more.

    • Agree 1
  13. 2 hours ago, MikeParkin65 said:

    It would cost money to change the door tool which I’m sure would take years to recoup from the labour saved in fitting the handle and the lamp bracket.


    You might be surprised.  That's a handle and lamp bracket you don't have to manufacture and assemble as well.  So you've very possibly just removed 2-3 people from the assembly line by  doing this effectively.  Tooling modification would be in the low 10's of thousand $ or less I would have thought, probably a lot less if a simple modification to existing tooling rather than a new tooling.

  14. 1 hour ago, micklner said:

    No company will be so naieve. Could they  ???


    We have had some tooling in the past from Hornby assembled using the wrong parts; Notably B-Set carriages on B4 bogies.  Someone grabbed bogies from the wrong bucket of Airfix bits ("B4 Bogie" rather than "B Set Bogie" perhaps) not knowing any better.


    So, speculatively what we might have is "someone" making an accidental or deliberate substitution at the factory with a part out of a similarly named "8F" bin of parts.


    If deliberate, it would be an effort to reduce assembly steps and hence reduce assembly costs.  If accidental, for some reason they had that bucket of parts sitting around for some reason.

  15. 2 hours ago, Damo666 said:


    That's not too far off from what I bought from the same outlet.




    A bit expensive compared to the other suggestions above, but seems to be good quality. I got them for £25.49 last year when they were reduced. And the other bits have found a use when I'm tasked to fix the children's gadgets.


    iFixit stuff is top shelf indeed but it lasts (though doesn't come with all the plastic sludgers which can be useful for getting into coaches and locos).

  16. 12 minutes ago, ColinB said:

    You didn't read my post, I actually said that, although I did miss out the finer detailed valve gear.


    Though you imply by the use of "modify" that it is descended from the same tooling as the 80's one...


    22 hours ago, ColinB said:

    The Fowler 2-6-4T they did modify when they changed the motor, I had the old one and sold it, it was so noisy. They added a lot more detail and I think the earlier body doesn't fit the later chassis. Ok call me a cynic but as this hobby is classed as appealing to an aging population, how is Hornby going to make a profit when you can buy these locos pre used for substantially less. Then there are people like me that already own one, the only reason I bought the newly released Hornby one was my LMS red one was damaged (missing front buffer bar, fixed by one from a tender)  and I fancied a better one. I suppose the good news is possibly in 6 months time there might be some spares available.


    It's not modified, it was completely new tooling.

    • Agree 1
  17. 59 minutes ago, GEARJAMMER said:

    Im at a bit of a loss as to why Dapol have gone up against Revolution with the class 59 with it being a small class, the Revolution class 59 just looks so much better. 


    The Dapol model was announced years ago and has been in the development doldrums most of that time.  Revolution noticed the opportunity and leapt in, seemingly spurring Dapol to actually speed up development.

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