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Posts posted by Bill

  1. The email of death also arrived from the big 'H'.. I too imagined the price was secure but had already ordered another at the higher price.

    The E4 however is intrinsic to my modelling strategy and so it is essential to pay the extra bunce required.

    There was an interesting revelation in today's guardian concerning the new 12 sided pound. The pound now resembles an old three penny bit.

    So consider this is a pound now only worth three pence? If so then a hundred pounds is only a mere 300 pence. Or just #1/5/- in 1950's money...

    So is the increase really too much to pay?

    Difficulties in emotionally handling these kinds of situations can occur if 'business ethics' get equated with 'morality' -

    (They appear to differ in the way they handle pain...

    For those on a short budget these price rises must be a worrying trend and of some continuing concern...

  2. ....ah, that's where my money has gone......just got statement from Southern Water....account £42.17 in credit....monthly standing order being increased from £17.60 a month to £24.70 a month!!


    Enjoy the E4




    PS: can't seem to quote dseagull's posting despite clicking the "reply quoting this post" button


    You are probably using IEX11 as a browser - Change to Firefox - For some reason, probably security related, IEX will no longer do a lot of things on this site - including uploading images to a blog and quoting pages. If you lower the security settings on IEX to "Please give me a virus, now" then these services might just return, but don't bank on it :)

  3. Kingfisher in LNER blue 4463 - But I am not sure why I keep it as I only model and run BR(s) in 00 scale.

    (The train pack was going cheap, and I could not resist a bargain - then promptly bough some extra coaches...

    And there they sits loved but unused to this day...)


    1. Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8th cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl.
    2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him to the bathroom.
    3. In one smooth movement put the cat in the toilet and close the lid. You may need to stand on the lid.
    4. At this point the cat will self-agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this!
    5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a ‘Power-Wash’ and ‘Rinse’.
    6. Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door.
    7. Stand well back, behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift the lid.
    8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom, and run outside where he will dry himself off.
    9. Both the toilet and the cat will be sparkling clean.

    Yours Faithfully










    Your Dog

    • Like 1
  5. in last plaice


    (yes, if its porpoise is to be shark enough to notice and it kippers instead...is it therefore a case of being a lost sole?)

  6. Thanks - that worked a treat - I just pushed the signal arm (sort of gently) up and it re-engaged - works a treat now - well sort of!


    To explain the 'sort of' for the curious...

    This is an LMS style N gauge home signal on an LNER wartime layout..


    Push the button and the arm now goes from horizontal to up but the motor keeps making a noise.

    A quick tickle of the button and it stops making a noise. 

    The arm then stays up until the button is pressed a third time and down it comes - (just like the real thing...) 

    So it is now functioning, but in its own idiosyncratic way...


    As long as it keeps functioning, that is just dandy...

  7.  Had anyone experienced any failure with the Dapol signals? Like not working after a few hours of low usage?


    Funnily enough my 'n' gauge home signal (LMS) has just become stuck - and nowt will make it work.

    I can here it clicking in response to pressing the button...

    Its lit up but no longer much fun...

    I have hardly used it - probably less than 50 or so cycles.

    Is there a cure other than buying a new one?

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