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Everything posted by Giles

  1. A chassis, CNCd on the Stepcraft, and silver soldered together.... With slide bars fitted, and cylinders just plugged in
  2. Thank you - I gave it a spray with black primer, but otherwise untouched. I print it at a very fine resolution which takes forever, but pays off in finish.
  3. This is a one-piece print, which shows promise. It was obviously missing two supports from the back of the cab roof, whose sides sagged slightly. That has been sorted now though.
  4. Most of the drawing for printing is done now - it's certainly been a couple of hundred hours or more, with variations and modifications. There are still a few small things to be done. This is for an 0-14 (outside frame) version. when the gauge got bigger, the loco got inside frames, so I shall need to make versions for that as well. Why? Paul of EDM models is kindly looking at producing these for sale. Wrightlines produced the Corris/Talyllyn version with the dropped footplate, but that's not been available for some time, so this original type may be welcome. (Also to be produced are the working wooden tipper wagons in 4mm and 7mm) 4mm (009) working side tippers 7mm working wooden side tippers
  5. Thank you! It's a learning curve I'm very much enjoying, and I have been stunned as to how well an affordable machine can perform (I have a Mars 2 Pro). I think you define it rather well. Modern Modelling sums it up quite well I think. A printer is just another extremely versatile machine tool. Two years ago I was struggling to draw an accurate cube in 3D. It's great that one is able to learn and progress.
  6. I'm having an extremely hard time with this post-Covid issue at the moment, but one of the few things I'm able to do is draw and light modelling. I've been working on the high boiler (original height) version, and printed off a modified cab, boiler unit and a newly drawn back with buffer beam. Shown above is the reverser in situ. You can see how slim the back sheet is. The platework is 0.5mm, plus angle. Extremely thin for a print of that size The detail and surface has come out very well - it hasn't been cleaned up in any way - although the reverse side has had all the support marks filed off. I consider this a reasonably fine model, to be handled as such. It is strong enough and resilient enough by that criteria, but not resilient enough for 'toy' type handling. Indeed I've already accidently dropped both these components accidentally without damage.
  7. I've had my E1 from the first batch, about seven years ago - and on the few occasions I've needed support or answers, Darkly Labs have been consistently quick, friendly and helpful - and that's seven years in! Thanks again!
  8. My E1 laser which I haven't used for six months was found not to be working last week to my dismay..... Everything was functioning, except the laser itself, suggesting the laser, or it's driver. I contacted Darkly Labs, who were very helpful, but said the laser needed to be returned for checking, as it needed an oscilloscope to diagnose the issue. However, whilst j was stripping it down, I found this connection had badly overheated, so since there was nothing to lose, I chopped it off, cleaned everything off, and soldered the tail directly to the pins on the board, and all is now working nicely! It may be worth keeping an eye on your laser power connectors.....
  9. The pony truck has been a concern..... the real thing is a Bissell truck pivoted under the front of the Ashland. This of course interferes with any motor/gearbox solution - motor being in the firebox. The solution is to use a radial truck I think........
  10. They were published in the NG&IRMR No.105. Cleaned up a bit on computer. However, the tank was actually built with a smaller filler, so I need to re-print that!
  11. As a drawing exercise ( primarily) I've been drawing up a Tattoo from the original class GA's. I've made slight updates to make it Stanhope specifically, and I've got boiler and tank done thus far. Printed In Eono Engineering Like Resin at 10 microns, it takes a while to print, but the results are good. The speckling is grey primer. The machine is a Mars 2 Pro.
  12. So, a few minor tweaks still required - still, stunning work! (As usual) Always good to see!
  13. I 've now made up four, and got one painted!
  14. Well done! It is a delightful model, not easy, and one I would be proud of!
  15. As a slight deviation, printed on the Mars 2 Pro in 'Engineering like Resin' from Eono, I have a working wooden type side tipper in 0-14. It has added lead between the chassis beams, and also a strip under the non-door side of the body.
  16. I have to decorate the hall and landing, and then I may be able to make a start proper. Also yet another loco in the offing - minus wheels as yet!
  17. The other benefit of a coach is that there is naturally room for water tanks and auxiliary batteries under floor and gas cylinders in the boot or side lockers, all of which is more problematic with a 'decker. In fact storage ceases to be a problem.
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