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Posts posted by Foulounoux

  1. Have they? Do tell, I was hoping to rake this line in soon!

    Sorry off topic

    We grew up with trips from Hertford to Bournemouth guest houses with trips to Compton Acres,Poole Pottery (original shed)and my brother and I highlight was fresh pies from the bakers on Poole high street (still there just) a kayak around the boating lake and the minstrel railway



    Back on topic


    I have an interview for an IOW based role....biggest issue the cost and time for the 12mile commute from home. Wife has suggested bicycle and canoe



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  2. I remember back in the 1960s East Kent keeping an old Guy Arab II with a Utility body cut down for that purpose in Herne Bay shed. As a naive nine year old I thought it was a relic from the days when double deckers were open topped :fool:.   In my defence I think Airfix had just brought out their kit of the London General B type. I believe that Guy Arab was replaced by a "Puffin" sometime in the 70s

    I can recall that bus from the 70's. We however volunteered for the manual version the open top route up to Reculver

  3. Spot on, sir.

    Not quite

    Back in the 90's I was heavily involved in food contact legislation and plastics

    The U.K. Rightly agreed that measuring migration of chemical out of a thin film meant you could not divide the result by two as the film was so thin that any chemicals would be pulled through a 10 micron film. For thicker materials this was permitted


    The Italians seemed to be able to make much stickier softer film and get it certificated in Italy Yes they had applied the divide by two rule.



    Oh and the official test involved using olive oil for 10 days. I developed a test that used solvent and gave the same realty after 2 hrs. My test was not authorised by the DG responsible .......an Italian with lots of olive oil farmers to suck up to



    A regulation must be applied identically in every member state

    A directive is applied with interpretation by member states in the UK via statutory instrument in my case. Thus allowing some deviation

  4. It seems Air France may beat SNCF to the lemmings off a cliff moment


    That may actually sharpen minds on both sides of the dispute when they see a national carrier go under



  5. Pete


    It shouts Kings Cross Suburban to me who spent the first 12 years of his life sat at the front of a Cravens only stopping when the GNE came into service


    So another vote for what it is a brilliant representation of KXsub



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  6. We seem to end up with a dustbin full when my daughter visits  with her  young offspring ,Wife is disgusted and asks what happened to terri nappies.


    Reusable nappies still exist although not quite as per the old days


    My wife when I first met her ran a nappy deliver service with her sister

    Cotton nappies

    A disposable liner...bonded fibre sort of thing

    And wraps/pants to go over the top


    The parents would buy the wraps and be charged for x no of nappies per week

    Every week Tina would collect the dirty nappies in sacks and deliver freshly laundered ones


    Hospital laundry was used and was good business for them


    She did get stopped once by the police who wanted to see what was in the back of the van ...she replied sh.t. But he didn't believe her and insisted on having a look...it was a hot day so strangely for some reason he only took a brief look before sending her on her way :-)



    The business was sold and the new owners were caught up in the Lloyds? commercial banking fraud case and lost a lot of money




  7. Wasn't that place actually built by Rover cars? - only for the firm to go bust a year or two later


    IIRC they was some sort of tie up between Rover and Honda at some stage - which may be how the site ended up with Honda


    Nothing to do with Rover this was pure Honda in fact by the time this branch was built Rover was no longer existing


    This is the South Marston SDC line that was built with the aim to have both parts delivered by train....many of Hondas suppliers at the time had plants in Eastern Europe so it was seen as an option


    Also for delivery of cars for export to Bristol Or Southampton



    Apart from a publicity train I'm not aware of it being used regularly. Line 2 at Honda Jazz and Civic has fluctuated in use over the years and output now may not make the rail option feasible


    It was a great idea at the time




  8. Beware plastic bags labelled as compostable


    Years ago and I mean early 90's as a plastics producer we were offered lots of additives to make our product compost

    What they meant was it would allow the plastic to break down into smaller and smaller pieces


    Or as we now call them micro plastics :-(



  9. Just remember with Hertford East there were walls on both platforms although in my time early 70's the down siding had gone or at least was oou

    And the up sidings were overgrown but very much in use


    With an Aunt who lived in Enfield this thread brings back great memories


    Searching signalling will be needed of course



  10. I often wonder if it would be easier if they listed the days in France when nobody is on strike.


    There is a handy website to let you know what's not working and where :-)


  11. With our local line closed for emergency work .. Track gauge issue. So when we get there this week I will be able to observe the French equivalent of a rail replacement bus service


    The local press report nearly 200m€ needed and the concern is that with the strike the calculation will be made to mothball the line

  12. Interesting discussion on how people seem to be blinded by procedures etc


    I have just launched across EMEA a Playbook for my function

    What has been amazing is the number of highly intelligent, skilled and experienced people who have then rung me to ask what should I do in case of xyz or abc


    I refer them to page 1 of my publication



    "Please note in all cases Common Sense should be the overriding guide as to what is correct"





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  13. I doubt that they had reduced stock down to a bare minimum more likely just sold out of the point YOU needed.

    I asked and they admitted they no longer stock the wider range only the Lh and Rh straight points

    I understand why they can use the space for more saleable items. Just means I have less reason to visit

  14. I suppose a sign of the times but went in for a curved HOm point and found they had reduced stock down to the bare minimum. Lh and Rh points, no curved points,no slips


    Much reduced from a couple of years ago


    Luckily we were in Chichester for shopping anyway but this was a shop I always relied on to have a wide range. Alternatives via mail order are cheaper so a customer lost


    And with Winco retirement this year I was hoping Gaugemaster would be looking to take over sales of BEMO in the south



  15. I haven't seen anything posted so just a brief note having visited today


    It's on tomorrow as well


    It's at the Oasis Academy in Nursling/Lordshill Southampton


    Good mix of layouts and trade


    But what was really obvious was how many of the layouts were child freindly with some inviting youngsters to have a go


    For me also inspiration came with the small layouts which showed how much can be achieved in a relatively small space


    And I learnt that my wife prefers steam but the chimney must be a certain size to be attractive.

    In fact She was almost tempted to buy a second hand Hornby Tornado set And then started suggesting I needed some German steam locomotives ..... There is hope

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  16. So I’m told. I was in the UK when my cleaner txted me to say the limit will reduce from July. She’s a green sort of person so sees the reduction in fuel and fumes as good. I had another character tailgating me yesterday, although he did finally overtake - having waited far longer than needed - in a 50 kph zone, where I was doing 50, natch. He was in a 20+ year-old Fiesta, also natch......


    Yes you post provoked my interest and indeed it seems from July in an effort to reduce accident deaths

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  17. The lunatics appear to be leaving the asylum at last. another "Beeching closure" being reversed?


    Hardly. The clearing the throat changes in 1977 were sensible given that traffic had been diverted to Moorgate

    As someone who whilst young regularly used the GN suburban services the new arrangement were far better than the old arrangement

    The eastern most line was in effect a York Road only line


    I have to say that I am surprised that the new layout proposed doesn't seem to make the most with the new Thameslink junction

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  18. Back in Seaspeed SRN$ days one frequent operational problem was the adverse sea conditions which were localised to the coast on the approach to Le Portel. These would have affected the Seacat and conventional vessels using the new ferry installations.

    In rough conditions at Bolougne the hovercraft would come along the beach before heading out across the Channel

    As observed around 1974 when on. School Travel service week long stay in a hotel on Le Portel sea front

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  19. A 1970's to early 80's Hertford East ???

    Ok 2 platforms but at that time you had the central road and sidings behind the walls on both sides

    With the length you have you would have to omit the carriage washer line

    Searchlight signals and a GER signal box







    Oh and must have a green Vauxhall Viva 1159cc sitting outside with yours truly waiting for his father to arrive home each evening

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