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Status Updates posted by Hiesler

  1. Ready for RAILEX 2012

  2. Take down: fine. Set up: fine. Layout: fine. Peoples comments: good grief.

    1. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      From what I saw, it looked good!

    2. Bluebell Model Railway

      Bluebell Model Railway

      shame i wont be attending the PR exhibition tomorrow usually a good show. Hope it goes well for the both of you. ;)

  3. Soldering track the day before a show. Don't know if thats a good or a bad sign!

  4. Was about to sell some Skaledale at Railex, then I found they go for double my asking price on ebay.

  5. Don't think anyone has thought about combining a Hornby 08 and A3 before?

    1. Dave47549


      A Lima 08 & A£ maybe?? :-)

    2. Dave47549
    3. Jim49


      Where are you putting the 08, in the tender?

  6. Houston, we have static grass!

  7. Doesn't get how drawings correct to dimensions can be different to the origional loco drawings

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