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Blog Entries posted by jamest

  1. jamest
    Hi all,
    I have posted on the previous RMweb, so as promised here is the story so far:
    My son (age 8) and I caught the bug last Easter after visiting a local exhibition - we bought a Hornby Pendolino DCC set and I set about laying track around my Garage (trying to avoid the car).
    But I went a bit big too soon (a common mistake I understand) and my son was a little fustrated with the amount of mess and lack of actual 'play' with the trains!
    I (we) decided to reduce our focus to a smaller 6x4 layout with a half scenic section and half storage. So here it is, it looks like I've made a fantastic amount of progress in a short amount of time but this has actually happened over a few months.
    I like BR blue, Probably because of my age, my son likes anything interesting.
    We have a pendolino, a DRS class 37 and 66, BR blue class 20, 25, 31 and 37 and an old DDC converted green warship. Not a lot of rolling stock yet (need to re-arrange my budget with her indoors!)
    Its a fairly simple track plan and has evolved a bit from the first pictures, but it should provide enough interest when using the bay platform area and main passing loop.
    I want to use this project to practice ballasting, scenic work and woodwork and I'm pretty pleased with the results so far. I've planned the platforms, used insulation board to baulk out the scenics, used plaster bandage to cover, sprayed the track (railmatch sleeper grime) and then ballasted most of the track.
    I've made use of several of the excellent scalescenes (no personal connection) downloads - for example the brickwork and concrete bridge.
    Ok less talk more pictures! Here is a potted history so far:
    Overall starter pic

    Adding some insulation

    Cutting area

    Preparing to landscape

    Looks Like I'll have to leave the progress for now as the site does not want to add any more (and I don't want to lose all the above!)
    Cheers for now,
  2. jamest
    Hi all,
    Here goes with the first blog - i've got exactly 5 mins so here I go!
    I was on old RMweb with "Newboy 6x4 starter layout, and I will dig out a potted pictorial history so far later. I look forward to hearing from familiar names and hopefully making a few more friends
    Cheers for now,
  3. jamest
    Hi All,
    Back again after the interlude with more of the potted history of my roundy roundy so far.
    I've started to lay some plaster bandage:



    I then painted the track with some railmatch sleeper grime:



    Then on with the ballasting:



    Very pleased with the results so far. I plan to start on the platform surfaces next - which leads me to a question:
    Can a concrete sided platfrom have a paved top? Or does paving normally go with red brick sides? I plan to go for 1970's to the present day, but I suppose the platform could have been around for a while, even with concrete sides - yes?
    Comments appreciated.
  4. jamest
    Hi all,
    Here are some more snaps of my progress with the point operation. I've tried a dowel and pin into a block method as that was using materials I had to hand. I am very pleased with the results and the 'feel' is good, not too tight/stiff. Too much effort would have been a bit much for the pin over time I feel.
    Here is the effort to transfer the motion through 90 degrees:

    And here are the more straight forward points at the end of the platforms. Notice the block into which I drilled for the pin. These three at the front go into the front joist to support them fully and to minimise the potential 'bounce' of the dowel:

    I've also made a start covering the platform surface with card. I'm using 'tarmac' sheet and plain card - basically all I had! It looks a bit patchwork quilt but will be covered. You can see the downloaded scalescenes paving on the left hand platform has been partially laid:

    up close - I'm not 100% sure about the glued strip against the white edging?:

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