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Everything posted by iak

  1. The sun's comin'over the hill - Karine Polwart
  2. Excellent news about this beastie.
  3. Hmmmmmmmmmm, nice... Now will the Heljan ones be any good? Mind, having a stash of Masokits chassis. Another project for the future - WIBBLE!
  4. Splendid beasties, it shows just how good these ancient Ratio kits are. A wee carefully selected adjustments and the results speak for themselves. The paint choice is fascinating
  5. Excellent. On purchasing some bits yesterday in sunny Wigan, I spotted the listing of Toad E in the new price list. More pennies venturing for the out door...
  6. Nice to see other people thinking along the same lines as me. The Bradwell spring plates are ideal fot the Hornby 21T beasties - experiments pending. Bradwell/Ambis details As for other lines of thought/hoppers: Parkside kits on Rumney chassis'with Bradwell details when useful. Dapol historic lumps on Bradwell chassis/details. Much fun for the future methinks... WIBBLE!
  7. Crewe naughtiness eh? Hmmmmmmm. Mind, the stock being built here is very naughty. Nice to see the auld Ratio kits getting a good seeing too...
  8. Mmmmmm. A busy couple of weeks ahead then sir? Do I see Mr Newitt etches in situ?
  9. My dear auld thing... At least I was still talking sense at that time, I ran out of steam and had to be taken home a wee later on. The excitement was far too much for me. WIBBLE WIBBLE DRIBBLE...
  10. Hear hear mon. My wallet quaketh at the propects for Sunday.....
  11. Sláinte Mike. Maybe the bread knife will generous to me this Yuletide... Ah, decisions, decisions...
  12. Fortunately Mike, I am only tempted by a J72 suitable for Scottish use. I am thankful that NER is not an interest! WIBBLE
  13. More temptation... A J72 kit with attitude, and a few got North of the border. Grizzle, grind, knash.....
  14. More buffer porn? Luverly... Any others pending Dave? (cue cheeky grin....)
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