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Jon Fitness

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Everything posted by Jon Fitness

  1. has had a slightly better co-bo day today

  2. I will put a couple of whitemetal ones in with the transfers (got loads as I cast them myself for bus modellers) JF
  3. has had a bad co-bo day. Solder? Hmph...

    1. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Bad day now cured by watching episode of "Mongrels". Pant dampeningly funny..

  4. Back to the Co-bo later

  5. Steve Beattie Co-Bo kit..actually, not half bad!!

    1. mozzer models

      mozzer models

      must be the only one of his kits that is

    2. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      well.. compared to his other kits anyway....

  6. 7mm Co-bo..3 days in and already swearing too much...

  7. has started the 7mm co-bo build.

  8. Hi Pete, Emailed the font to you just now. Hope it's of some use. JF
  9. There must be something quite smutty on page 21 of the jokes forum. Restricted page from NR computers........

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      2nd NR person to mention that today; I went for a look, nothing indecent at all but the word Viagra was in there. You now won't be able to access the index page. :)

  10. Agreed! I have 5 boards in use on Saltney (so far; I'll need another 6 or 7 by the time I'm finished) and they're generally trouble free. The only time I have to tune them is if I have disturbed the mechanical linkage or something has come undone! Having said that, for future board builds I'll be looking into making the connection for the setting box on a lead to the baseboard edge. Beats grubbing about under the board looking for the socket to make adjustments. I don't think this would be an option with the GFcontrols board. I was thinking more on the lines of having a sort of "favourite" signal, maybe in a prominent place, that I could treat to one of these boards. I think upper quadrants lend themselves to the sort of action that the GF board provides so I'l definately treat myself to at least one. Wouldnt mind one of those 16 way boards thats been made for Lime Street though JF
  11. It'll need some thought but I'm sure a seperate thread with pics would work. Any of the Mods have an idea? JF
  12. Just an Idea (slightly )...how about some central resource where people list their unused/unwanted transfer remainders? Members could check it first before buying a whole sheet and at the same time leave details of what they have left over. Each transfer could be deleted once it's been swapped/donated/sold or whatever...or has this been done before on here??? Jon F
  13. This is how it feels when your word means nothing at all..

  14. Looks a nice bit of kit Steve. May be tempted myself for further developments on "Saltney". It would be easier than using the MERG setting box and the bounce / lever pulling effect...lovely. Jon F.
  15. Stunning Signalling Stuff Steve! JF
  16. I keep returning to Diamond Hoo-Haa Man album by Supergrass. Always fires me up in times of dullness! A return to form for them, just in time for them to split up...
  17. Cheers Steve, I'll have a look at those LEDs although I won't be going down the fibre optic route. Ta JF
  18. Thanks Mike. Most of my signals seem to have black ladders to the floor. I have checked many pics of Ex GW sigs and about 50% seem to have black ladders to the floor. Even more with the Ex LMS or BR upper quadrants. Also as I am a bit of a lazy so and so, cranks and weight bars tend to be forgotten at the base of the post as the eye is drawn to to worky bits! JF
  19. Cheers Mick. Spec colours, always a bit of discussion about that....I use warm white LEDs so I have to use green lenses. I've tried blue but it tends to stay blue! If the light source was yellow then yes.. I'd use blue but yellow LEDs turn the red orange!! JF
  20. Stripped down and painted in primer (grey for the post structure and white for the arm). The finished article will be painted in BR(WR) silver and black rather than white and black, reflecting the era depicted on the layout. Before anyone says owt, yes I know the stencils should be black on white not white on black..serves me right for trusting “instructions” rather than checking a few pictures!!! (It’s been sorted now) Component parts now in finished colours, the red and green spectacles were bashed from MSE coloured plastic lens material using appropriate sized hole punches and glued to the spec. plate with superglue gel. Once that was done, the signal was re-assembled, the servos fastened up to the base and the drive rods positioned. To check it all worked I built up another MERG driver board and made it ready to couple up to the servos. Usual sequence for coupling the servos is Remove servo horns from servos. Couple up the servos to the driver board and they should automatically find the centre of their travel Feed the drive rods through the hole in the horns and fit them to the servos so that each signal arm is in a mid position. Couple up the tuning box to the servo driver board and go through the tuning sequence, checking that the signal will swing easily from On to Off. The signal is now installed and working on the layout. One of the servos is a bit “buzzy” and I think it may be a quality issue! Video of it working below Cheers
  21. I think you've seen where it is (photos soon when I've corrected the schoolboy error on it ) Cheers, See above!!! Ta. Praise indeed! Just a little error to correct on it and I'll post a few pics of the finished article JF
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