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Blog Entries posted by Stroudie

  1. Stroudie
    Had my first experience of re-spraying & detailing a Vi-Trains 47, the bag of bits took a day in itself to add!

    More pictures & info here....
  2. Stroudie
    Wanted to try and capture the MoD trains found around Didcot Yard, so made a start with three Bachmann VGAs...
    More on my website, here

  3. Stroudie
    Modelling is a bit politically sensitive at the moment - I'm meant to be helping the Mrs getting the place ready for a house move - but she's away, so time to get a bit of sanity in the workshop!
    Just finished DRS 57002. Colas branding from Precision Labels and replacement numbersets from Lancaster City Models....
    More information on my website, here

  4. Stroudie
    Finished the basic construction phase of building a Network Rail RHTT, with the added extra of DCC lighting.

    I've put a full summary of sources etc on my website, here.
  5. Stroudie
    Hot off the press from my trusty supplier John Peck at Precision, comes the livery of the UK's latest open access operator, BARS....

    More pictures here....
    I took this photo earlier today, on the only non-raining 5 mins we've had all day in the South Cotswolds!
  6. Stroudie
    Took the afternoon off work today to weather my pair of Colas Grids and to mark the "nearly there" point on the "Flying Banana"...
    I'm aiming to produce all three NR HST powercars, so more pics to follow.




  7. Stroudie
    Well, just finding my feet in the new-look RM Web.
    Hopefully some examples of my work in detailing and re-livery of modern stock might inspire some to take up the airbrush!
    Here's a sample of what's recently left my work bench....



    Full info on both can be found here,
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