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Steve Taylor

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  • Location
    Cumbria. Any further west and I'm paddling to New York.
  • Interests
    Life, the universe and everything

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  1. house sold, so why am i browsing here and not looking for a flat?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Axlebox


      ...or a flat to fit the layout idea and having found none big enough you have taken to hard drink and the interweb for comfort...oh no, wait a minute, thats what I'd do...sorry Steve...

    3. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      hehe, given the amount of Laphroaig sitting here..... that plan has a lot to reccomend it. Didn't want ot go into work this week anyhow. Oddly there is a certain amount of speculation based upon the horror of having to sleep in butanone fumes. Where do they get off charging sooooooo much?

      Btw Duncan.... be afraid, be very afraid: there's a chance I might be migrating to your part of the world!

    4. Axlebox


      no fear, Northumberland is a big county and there is plenty of room...in fact its so big there are parts I've yet to explore and I've been here 15 years!

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