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mike morley

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  1. This is supposed to be a hobby, not an obsession.  So why have I just spent two hours trying (and failing) to find out how far up the walls of the cowhouse I'm making the tethering rings should go?

    1. Hroth


      Because some knowall will eventually come along and start making snarky comments on how they're too low/high...



    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      But they will only be able to do that, if you take photos with the unforgiving macro lens and post them on the internet.


      And anyway, wasn't it well known in farming circles that there was no hard and fast rule for this, because cows come in all shapes and sizes and it would have depended on how much cider the farm workers had consumed, when installing the rings.


    3. Hroth



      it would have depended on how much cider the farm workers had consumed, when installing the rings.

      And how tall they were, they're not going to fix rings where they can't reach!


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