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The Black Hat

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Posts posted by The Black Hat

  1. That said, the hobby is crying out for a decent steam shunter! Other than the Bachmann Panniers and to some extent the Jintys and the upcoming sentinels there's not much that's up to the high standards set by other larger engines.


    That is certainly very true. The J72 would be an example of one I'd go for as its the only true NER machine done in model form for years but then would you want to make one more suitable to an area already extensively covered by some larger companies having modelled a locomotive fleet. The southern, western and midlands have had plenty of engines done, but apart from that Pannier few shunters are done. Yet, the eastern region lot is a mixed bag and more split by pregrouping engines kept in use. Steam is indeed a massive market to break into, but then its always tricky to decide what to make. I maintain that new models sell as new ones are purchased by modellers as 'they dont have one of that.' So making a shunter might be a great idea as none really are on the market so might be taken up on.


    The other issue might be the georgraphical part again. In steam, unlike diesel there isnt much of a BR standard steam shunter. 08s went just about everywhere, and the closest you get is a J94 (Austerity tank).


    Plenty to choose from and perhaps this discussion, which is interesting to hypothesise about is worthy of its own thread so as not to deract from the grand work done on the 144s....

  2. Wouldnt you want to keep to diesel and modern image things. Your container wagons and modern units means your putting yourself into a niche area of the market that will probably expand given the 40+ rule for those returning to the hobby added to those that stayed and modelled throughout. That way your range compliments each other... unless you do plan for more diverse expansion yourselves....

  3. That is simply not true.


    Your entitled to your opinion.... Im entitled to mine....


    For me, the Bachmann machine is better. Its shape and molding is better. Running qualities of Bachmann machines I normally prefer to Hornby. The pony truck under the front doenst have a massive gap. The detail differences on the tender have been included and the lining and printing on Bachmanns is better. Id pay the extra for the Bachmann model - this is simply about a brand name reaching out to Joe Public. I dont care about roller barings, etc, you cant see them when its thumping along at scale 50 mph or stood still need a magnifiying glass to notice.


    As for coaches, £80 for that coaching set is a rip off, the Bachmann ones are much better, accurate and detailed.


    However, if you want to champion this further feel free....

  4. Hate to say it but have the widespread and popular shunteres not been done? I love the 08... and 03... but things like 04, 14 have been done, either some time ago or recently but not to the same standard. 07? Looks nice and certaintly a novel engine...


    Steam, a decent J94 would be good, especially one that can have industrial external motion too. A J72 redone... but thats my northern preferences. Others might champion a J69, J70?


    But maybe its worth cracking on with more units, as the scope for there is quite large..... especially to the standards you are laying down.

  5. For me this is a simple question. The Bachmann model is more accurate and better value for money. Especially when you compare the set that Hornby are doing with the Bachmann A1 and some purchased Mk. 1s.



    However, this is aimed at Joe Public, who trust the brand name and the engines name. So it will sell and be an introductory set for those younger modellers that Hornby hope take an interest...

  6. I would have thought they have already researched and chosen it.... after all they have selected good units and wagons to do so far....


    Or could you do the holy grail and just make an absolutely perfect class 37, as every one so far has been slagged off for some small reason.... and I dont get why.....

  7. Does it come with a bag over the coupling too!? What extra service that would be for during winter!



    I wouldnt worry about trying to have the best unit in RTR.... this is going to create a league of its own when its done that all others will aspire too.... although some Bachmann things are good, they dont have the extra detail and properly thought out lighting arangements either....

  8. Hello Hugh,



    Thats a class 143 in the first provincial livery. The sets opperated in this or tyne and wear yellow and white, when delivered to the area, and finally lost these to regional railway house colours just before their transfer to south wales and Bristol where they have remained since. These are two liveries Id like to see them do, but owing to the area, and the popularity compared with others, I think other releases are coming first.

  9. For me it would be:


    Allerton Junction by Shildon MRG

    Woodhouses by the Grand MRG

    and Middleton in Teesdale which I think was by Darlington MRG.


    As for people mentioning real places, Id agree... they do inspire.


    Darlington Bank Top really could be a fantastic model,

    The Stainmore line would have bridges and views that none could match

    but I still like a decent medium size depot idea... so guess Thornaby might be that for me...

  10. Both 144 & 143 in Regional is easy, but on the 144 which regional railways! BR or Arriva.


    On the West Yorkshire PTE Red & Cream, again easy but which era! Metro Train, Regional Railways, Arriva! You tell us!


    As for Provincial or Tyne & Wear PTE, thats a 143 issue only. Can we sell enough of the Tyne & Wear ones! Possibly not.


    Limited Edition (Another term for 'Rip off' normally). But to do 600 Tyne & Wear PTE ones in my opinion is far too many, as for provincial thats better but how are Trains 4U provincial 150s going! We have to be carefull here.


    I understand you being careful with regards to the different liveries that are out there. I think that small changes such as the lettering used for Regional Railways, Arriva, is a small change but its big enough when it affects the time era for the model in such a way. I would think that standard regional railways engines are the easiest to go for, as I dont think people would specifically model the area in a deliberate time period for Arriva Trains Northern opperation, when its just one TOC running at the time. The liveries of other units youd buy would overlap and so I dont think people would be that fussy generally.


    With regards the two ideas for a northern 143. Well... these are the earliest liveries to do, and so I guess would be people returning to the hobby or those wanting to specifically model that area and time. Id fall into the second group. The provincial and Tyne and Wear 143s were allocated to the North East branches such as the Tyne Valley, Durham Coast, Bishop to Saltburn, Darlington/Boro to Whitby and Newcastle to Morpeth/Alnwick. That makes scope of opperation all the more restricted as they arent exactly top billing for layouts of the time - but Ive always held the view if the companies make them then people model the areas the trains run. The Tyne and Wear one would be select but a great one to do - the added bonus is that if Regional and Arriva are two seperate liveries then you can have two for Tyne and wear as they did change the Tyne PTE logo when they were done. The provincial one would be perhaps the most smartest 143 to do but both would be a while as more pressing and recent units need to be done to get sales in for your company.


    So that leaves a 144 - and with a 3 car to come? ... Id add my name to that list as Id love one of them too.


    The model looks fantastic and is setting the standard by which all other new DMUs should be made.

  11. Id go for the first one - so long as it doesnt have the BR sticker headboard and a plain yellow front.... as well as the standard West Yorkshire red, with the cream stripe and regional lettering.


    Also would go for one of the two standard 144s that were painted into standard Regional Railways livery, being 144011 and 13 if memory serves.




    Photograph is marked with the copyright of a John Turner of Hull.


    Mind you... Im after that 143 in Tyne and Wear Yellow or Provincial Blue more....

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