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Everything posted by nickwood

  1. Nice job sir. I know I'm being picky but I can't help but think that the bunker lining on the second photos needs a bit more toning down though, particularly nearest the cab door. I love the subtle changes in tone below the footplate.
  2. That is deliciously grubby, one of your best IMHO. Needs a driver / fireman in oily overalls to finish it off.
  3. I’ve been waiting since May for Peco bullhead points from Rails. Still showing on back order. Nobody else seems to have them either.
  4. Thanks for the replies, all very informative. I'm naturally suspicious of alternatives to tried and trusted methods. I once ballasted some track with Johnson's Klear to see how that performed after hearing it's virtues extolled on RMWeb and it was a disaster, the stuff just would not set. You could remove the ballast with a slight touch of the finger. Because my layout is portable I need things that are glued down to stay stuck, no matter how many knocks they get. I will stick to ballasting with diluted PVA as I've never experienced a problem with it.
  5. What are the pros and cons of using Copydex over the more usual (and probably cheaper) diluted PVA mix?
  6. ...and if you believe that, you'll believe anything.
  7. I've had Peco bullhead points on order with Rails since the beginning of May. Still on back order. We just have to be patient.
  8. Contact Roxey, they were very good when I had the same with one of their kits and sent me a copy.
  9. Mick, I know, that you know, someone who knows how, who could help you with that
  10. Thanks for the tip MICK. I’ll try to remember when I come to do mine but will probably forget
  11. Not just recently, and you have proved to be quite proficient in the past.
  12. Perhaps this would be a better machine for your purposes Beats as it sweeps as it cleans
  13. I couldn't 'ear no Martin's either. Makes a lot of noise without going anywhere much.
  14. 1-6 are understandable but you could go and tell Martin to pipe down
  15. If they were it would probably add another 100 followers
  16. Hi Moon Monkey and welcome to RMWeb and my thread. Thanks for your kind comments and I’m pleased to hear that my efforts have been of some entertainment to you. With my last remaining outing of the year, Warley, being postponed today, Much Murkle will spend the remaining months of this year crated up in the garage.
  17. There will be a significant new feature added to the Pendon Website soon. I will post an update when it is near to going live.
  18. Just seen that Motorcycle Live, scheduled to take place at the NEC the same time as the Warley show has been cancelled.
  19. Have you started building another bookcase to house the next volume? If so What will that one hold up?
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