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Everything posted by south_tyne

  1. Hi Rich, thanks for that useful response. As you say, the limited headshunt length will cause some interesting movements and the occasional headache! Building this kind of operational restiction into a layout is an idea I have really though about much but gives an added dimension. Thanks again and glad the exhibition appearance went well. The advantages of such a small layout are so apparent at the end of a show on a Sunday afternoon... Dismantle, tuck it under the arm and away home!!
  2. First time I have come across this little layout but cannot believe I had missed it! The ballasting and track weathering is particularly effective. Apologies if I missed it when reading through, but what shade/type of paint did you use to colour the track? Many thanks, David
  3. Thanks very much for sharing. What a fantastic little layout, right up my street and a fantastic standard of modelling. Interesting trackplan too. If you don't mind me asking, how do you find the layout to operate? Do you use a sequence/schedule or just shuffle wagons as you want? Many thanks, David
  4. Oh how I would love that, I would have to extend that 5' by 15" baseboard a bit mind... If only...!!
  5. Thanks Chris I hadn't uncovered that one, it is very useful! Again thanks. Funnily enough I am sitting about 1 mile from the site of West Boldon depot as I type this!
  6. Hi Harold, Thanks for the heads up. To be honest it is something I have wondered about but not really considered. I think the crucial thing might be that the wasted space aspect might be critical on such a small layout. I might do some mock-ups but the need to raise the level to a scale 8' or so could result in too much siding space being lost in, say a 3' length. Thanks for that. Goathland does spring to mind as an example immediately doesn't it. My inspiration as always is from the Barton, Forcett and Butterknowle goods branches - I just love the atmosphere of those lines which hung on until the 1950s and 1960s. Great shot - thanks for the link!
  7. Hi Phil, Thanks for the speedy response - that is great! It is very helpful in helping to gauge what you can fit in that kind of space as I currently have a max of 6' by 15", so not too dissimilar. Actually that 4' length and the fact that it is less than 2' in width make the spaciousness of the scene all the more remarkable! Thanks again, David
  8. Hi Phil, I am following your improvements and chamges with interest. I know it was mentioned earlier in the thread that the layout is 8' long - if you don't mind, can I ask what the split of that is between scenic area and fiddle yard? Many thanks, David
  9. Just a quick reply, thanks to each and every one of you for your informative responses and prototype examples to mull over. The information is definitely helping me to assess the best options. I will try to do some more considered individual responses when I get a free 10 minutes but thank you once again in the meantime! David
  10. Great shots there Mick, thanks very much for posting! The detail is great, it is rare you see photos of the deck like that, very interesting rail in use too!
  11. Thanks for the reply! I will have a look at your layout topics. Having had a look through a number of books this afternoon it seems there was a fair mixture of both examples around. I'll have some further thought on the issue although I rather like the incline idea as added something a little different, something like the arrangement at Masham for instance. Cheers, David
  12. All, Just asking for a bit of advice with regard to modelling NER coal drops. From the digging (no hint of a pun intended!) I've done it appears that they were anything up to around 8 feet in height and sometimes less depending on location which is somewhat less than I had imagined. Now I am planning a small inglenook type shunting layout but would really like to incorporate some of these on one of the sidings, if possible, in order to reinforce the North East location. So as a quick question, with the limited space, would it be easier to: raise the height of the siding, say with an short incline above the baseboard level; or, lower the level a section of the baseboard in front of the coal drops for road access. Really I suppose it is also a question of what would be most prototypical. From the vast majority of photos and remaining examples really I suppose option 2 would be but I think I can remember examples of coal drops being accessed by an short incline too? If there is a prototype for the first then I think it might be easier! Any input or practical experience welcomed! Many thanks, David
  13. Hi Les, Very sorry for calling you by the wrong name... I do apologise. Thanks for you reply. Yes I expect there are challenges in modelling a prototype from thousands of miles away but you have certainly tackled it extremely well! Interesting thoughts about Lance Mindheim, I have read only a little about his work but I understand the less is more concept is his forte. I will explore further. anyway it certainly works here and it is a very useful tip about the size of the buildings, it is not something I have ever considered before. I am currently grappling with planning a small shunting layout and want to get that sense of openess and space, giving the scene a chance to breath, just as you have achieved here. It might be a difficult ask on a narrow shelf layout of 6' but I will keep trying. I will keep following with interest and once again apologies for the mix up of names!! David
  14. Doh... apologies for my silly mistake! Yes I should have addressed that message to 'Les' rather than 'Andy' ... I could try and blame something else but it was just my own stupidity! David
  15. Hi Steve, Managed to get a chance to have a read through that link last night. Some great modelling, to an exceptional standard, which puts my own plans for using 00 (probably Peco) track to shame!! Wonderful stuff. I love your simple but highly effective method of point control too, I think I might have to steal that! I have been wondering which method to.use on my proposed layout, I have dismissed motors as an unnecessary complication amd want toake it as 'hands on' as possible. You solution would seem to tick the boxes. Is it something you will use again this time? Thanks again, David
  16. Thanks Steve, I will have a peruse of that link! David
  17. Hi Rob, Thank you very much for your prompt and very useful reply. I have had some stock and point templates out over the weekend doing some full sized planning and that really helps with me ideas. I will keep an eye out for a copy of the RM to read about the layout in full. Thanks again for your help and I will keep following your work, David
  18. PS that photograph is absolutely superb! An everyday cameo that is so mundane but brings a model to life. Top stuff!! David
  19. Hi Rob, Just spend an enjoyable hour or so reading through this thread and also your Pallet Lane thread for you old layout. Fantastic layouts, you have managed to cram a great deal of atmosphere into confined spaces. I have enjoyed reading the workbench type element of your thread too, it is good to see how your modelling is developing as a whole. I hope you don't mind me asking a question about Pallet Lane (I thought it would be best to ask on your active thread) after stumbling across it for the first time today? What were the dimensions of the layout in the original format? I am doing some planning at the moment and have about 8' to play with, your layout really is insiprational, hence the interest. I read some references to it only being 9" wide but didn't read anything about the length. Apologies of I missed it mind. Many thanks, David
  20. Hi Steve, Looks like a really interesting little project. I am not really familiar with your part of the world but it seems the prototype background and story has been fully though through. I am also toying with the idea of an extending inglenook (I've actually been messing around with paper templates and bits of rolling stock this after!) and will be interested to see your thoughts and how it is develops. My own idea is simply around two 3 feet by 18 inch baseboards which will hinge to enable easy storage, so quite a bit shorter than yours. I think your own idea will give a marvelous sense of space and a real railway feel to it. I love the inglenook concept and it is a great to lose an hour or so to the game but the very nature of the restricted length of the sidings does look a little contrived, so the extra length should allow the whole scene to breath.Of course you can always restrict the siding lengths during an operating session if you want to utilise it as an inglenook puzzle... so best of both world's really. David
  21. Hi Andy, Just read through the topic after discovering it... what a lovely little layout. Really not my usual thing (GWR isn't normally for me!!) but your layout oozes atmosphere and looks so spacious, despite being only 12' long. That definitely is a testament to your skill and vision. The 4th and 5th images in your first post are sublime. David PS I am also jealous of your location in NZ! I had a few months travelling the country a couple of years ago and absolutely loved it! Saying that you might be a lonely GWR modeller in that part of the world!
  22. Lovely baseboards, they really are a work of art. Interesting plan too, a little out of the ordinary and there looks to be plenty of operational interest
  23. Some good suggestions there for prototype inspiration - I particularly like Wearhead. One of the problems for the space-starved modeller is that NER termini were often expansive in terms of track layout, although that is not so much of an issue in this particular case. Another suggestion would be to look at Barton station on the Merrybent Railway, a freight only route for much of it's life. This has always struck me as a nice simple little set up, which could be compressed. A bit 'left-field' but the original termini at both Barnard Castle and Stanhope, which later became goods stations when the lines were extended, could also be worth a look. Keep us updated. David
  24. Thanks! That is a really nice space to work in and it sounds like a good idea to tackle the terminus at first. I really like your plan for developing it.
  25. Interesting discussion here. Adding coal drops are something which would cement the north east location but there were NE without them or it would be easy to imagine a situation where coal was handled in a nearby depot, just off-scene for instance, so it is not a must. Just out of interest, what kind of space do you envisage for the scenic section? Thanks, David
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