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Posts posted by JaymzHatstand

  1. One of the things on my workbench is a Comet MK1 RF(K) being built as M324 as running on the North Yorkshire Moors (now named Jos De Crau)




    I've reached a bit of a stumbling block with the roof, finding photos of the top of the vehicle being quite tricky. I've been able to ascertain that it is no longer as-built, the large monsoon vent being no longer present. I had originally fitted it, as per instructions, but then removed it, hence the filler! The red circled highlights the area in question.




    The only decent photo I've been able to find was on Flickr (posted by Izcdome) and the useful bit of it is posted below for reference.




    There are three chimney like vents, and I'm not sure what they are, or whether they are available from anywhere, or if it's a case of making my own.


    If anyone can offer any advice or assistance, I'd be most grateful!





  2. I have very fond memories of my dad's old late 70s/early 80s Evening Star, despite it eventually failing with coupling rods that continually stuck. (The tender drive kept it going but with no driving wheel action!) I thought it about time I had my own! I know it's not the best 9F model available, but the newer mechanism is excellent from what I've seen, and the sentimental value of it is a big factor! Add in the replica plaque, and I was sold!


    I did order one from Rails, but sadly that won't be happening (though I've not had confirmation of its cancellation!) I have, hopefully, managed to source one elsewhere, and if they've started to arrive at Hornby, they'll presumably begin arriving with the retailers soon!





    • Friendly/supportive 2
  3. I picked one up yesterday from Monk Bar Models (York), and paid for it - usual satisfied customer disclaimer.


    I must admit, it's very nice, well decorated (I think) and with a good weight to it. The wheels run true so it doesn't wobble either! The three links in the box are a nice addition, and enabled it to go straight into service with my pre-grouping stock for a quick shunt with my NER E!




    I do have an operational question or two for those more knowledgeable; would the odd wagon appear in a mixed goods, and if so, would it have needed a barrier wagon either in transit, or during shunting?





  4. On 04/09/2020 at 12:32, Grosmont Jnc said:

    A total contrast to the lovely Tennant above, I have recently finished one of Arthur's N10 kits.  It's my first loco kit and went together really well, and I learnt a lot in the process.  It is a depiction of 69101, based latterly at Bowes Bridge and withdrawn in April 62.  





    That really is very nice indeed, the weathering is nice and subtle, but it still looks like a hard working loco! I started one of the late David Alexander kits of the same class back in March and if it ends up half as nice as yours, I'll be more than happy!




    Mine will end up in NER livery, and I need to source some clack valves and a safety valve bonnet, and order a gearbox (HighLevel) but it's coming along nicely!


    3 hours ago, ArthurK said:




    The J25 is  on thre verge of being packed. Awaiting a few ccastings, Boilers to roll etc.



    That's excellent news! And also just as good to know that things are still progressing despite the world's best efforts to hinder them! 


    I very much look forward to seeing the F8 progress once you get going on that too!





    • Thanks 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, adb968008 said:

    my 10% off was in the brown box, inbetween the wrapping paper and packing note, valid until Dec31st.


    The visitor centre ticket and certificate are in the loco box.


    Thanks, just had a look before the rabbits got the brown paper to play with, but still no sign of one. Not really the end of the world, so I certainly won't be loosing any sleep over it!





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  6. Likewise, mine arrived this morning. Even Mrs Jaymz is impressed (though does think the loco itself is ugly!)


    I couldn't see anything about 10% off online purchases so maybe it's a luck of the draw thing, or maybe limited to early edition numbers, mine being number 1816.


    Still, very happy it has arrived and I'm looking forward to giving it a test run before it goes into service!





  7. Colour can be a very subjective thing. What looks right to one person doesn't to the next. Especially when you start bringing the question of scale into the mix.


    Different vehicles would have been painted at different times too, and weather would have had different effects between batches of paint.


    I'm not trying to support or condemn anyone for their use of non-matching colour, just trying to highlight that it isn't the be-all and end-all.





    • Agree 2
  8. I finally got around to acquiring some Fox lining of the right width, and what a difference it has made! I've been slowly doing bits and have finally got to a stage where it's worth showing. The whole of the m Im side is done, along with the boiler bands and the lines wrapped around the rear (fun ito get in behind the lamp irons!)






    I also found a lovely colour photo of a G5 in lined black which highlighted a couple of bits I hadn't thought of (Westinghouse pump and steps) so the have been duly lined too. I just happened to be thumbing through LNER Locomotives In Colour 1936-1948 by Ron White and Norman Johnston, and there it was, for some reason, I'd not noticed it before!


    Now I'm past the half way point, I'll hopefully not think that it can just run that way round, and hide the un-decorated side from viewers! Mainly because I know that some sort of unscrupulous mischief maker would turn it round at some stage, just for giggles!


    I have been pottering with other things as well, but I haven't really done much in a completion sense. I kee seeing things that other people have been cracking on with, and finding inspiration for projects of my own, but the only things I've really done anything significant with have been a Worsley Works 009 Ffestiniog Super Saloon (scratch aid kit, so a lot had to be home made) which is now ready for painting, and a Parkside 8 plank P/O wagon which has been built, painted and weathered.





    I'll keep chipping away, and posting updates when I remember to! As ever, all comments, suggestions or advice are welcome, and I hope you're all carrying on as best you can!





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    • Craftsmanship/clever 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Chrisr40 said:

    Any idea why we get 4 long and 2 short couplings though ? I have used 3 of the long ones which is likely wrong.



    It looks like the short one is for tender to carriage, and the longer ones are for between the carriages which need a little more clearance with their buffers. In fairness though, if it works, it's not a massive issue!





    • Thanks 1
  10. I've found the couplings to be quite easy to use. If you hook one end onto a carriage before putting on the rails, then it should be fairly simple to just hook over the next vehicle, using either a pair of tweezers or a small screwdriver to just lift the eye over the peg.


    I imagine a small turn of an appropriately sized brooch, or drill bit will open it up further if it's a bit tight. Mine went straight on from the box without issue.


    Hope this is of some sense, and assistance!





  11. 21 hours ago, boxbrownie said:

    Let’s see one and find out......;)





    Happy to oblige!


    Beauty and the Beast!










    Both excellent models in their own right, and both were things I've dreamt of owning since I was incredibly young! I can still remember fawning over the Little Hobby advert on the back of every issue of my dad's Railway Modeller and their promises of the big UP!





    • Like 13
  12. 10 hours ago, Hroth said:

      They could include suitable nameplates so you could have Tiger too..


    And maybe a third set of plates for Thunderbolt as well! 





    • Like 4


    As Mick says above, pretty much covering all the external details. The boiler is wrong for a pre-1938 loco, though the main differences are the dome, safety valve variations and the boiler bands being out of place (though not by a large amount)


    I backdated mine into LNER condition, and that is detailed on my workbench, starting here



    I didn't bother with the boiler bands, and it doesn't really show when it's trundling around on its own. Though that does bring into question why I modified the cab to remove the vacuum brake gear!


    Hope this helps





  13. It's always nice to see NER clerestories, they certainly look a lot better than when you got them! Will the roofs be glued on once they are done, or will they be made to be removable?


    I know standard carriage building convention has the body and chassis separate for access, but does a clerestory dictate a slightly different approach?


    I've got a D&S all third in my 'in progress' collection though it's currently stalled as I seem to be missing a couple of partitions, and keep putting off cutting out some more! I am tempted to add a couple more via Worsley, I've built a few of Alan's 009 scratch aid coaches, and they are nicely etched, though some thought is often needed to get things right. And they'd be lacking the wonderful array of castings that come with the D&S kits






  14. The images of the real loco under construction are fascinating, I particularly like the one of the rolling chassis, minus the centre drivimg wheels. The boiler cradle looks delightfully like a motor mount, as though Sir Nigel was experimenting with a completely different form of power!


    I dare say I could even be tempted by the rebuilt loco as well as the original beast as it's looking very good indeed (not really surprising)


    I'll definitely be interested to see further developments and painted samples.






    • Agree 1
  15. 7 hours ago, BernardTPM said:

    All the L&BR coaches Peco have done are the same length. They did at one point indicate that they would be doing the Brake Composite no.17 until it was pointed out that particular coach was a different length to all the other sixteen at which point they dropped that idea, so I suspect we will see one pair or the other rather than both pairs, especially as both types are Composites (No Brakes & no Thirds rather limits 'generic' options). 


    This was my initial thought too, although the L&Bs are moulded as a one piece body, so if the bowsiders were done in a similar way, the two lengths could be accommodated with two different tools. It all depends how accurate they want to go (and how much they want to spend on tooling) I suppose.


    We may even get one pair, and then the second pair further down the line.





  16. Now that the bug boxes have started to arrive, our anticipation can presumably turn more towards the bowsiders. Have Peco announced which ones they are doing? 


    There are 4 to choose from which are effectively two pairs, but there are differences between them. I know Peco have down different bodies for different L&B carriages, so if the bowsiders are tooled in a similar way, getting the different vehicle lengths shouldn't be a problem.


    I'm definitely looking forward to seeing a factory printed lined Victorian 19, but equally the green with cream upper panels of 17!






    Also, is it wrong to fancy a few big boxes in early preservation cherry red?





  17. For a truly authentic sound, you need the 'sneezing' safety valve that sounds like an over excited cat chasing a bit of ribbon! It's one of those sounds that just resonates with early locos! Those on the Beamish waggonway have it, as does the NRM's replica Rocket. 





    • Like 1
  18. 4 hours ago, Compound2632 said:


    I'm sure you are right and I sympathise; the result will be an excess of kitchen cars and open thirds - presuming that Hornby are having equal quantities of all coaches made.


    This Indeed is very true, however, short of only producing them to order, there's not much that can be done to remedy that. If Hornby were to market them as a complete box set, there would be a lot of complaints I suspect, even if they did two sets which when brought together would make a complete take wouldn't solve it. I'm glad it's not me having to make the production decisions!





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  19. On 07/03/2020 at 20:40, Compound2632 said:


    People not ordering the complete train? What's the point?


    Maybe they don't have the space, or funds for a full set?


    I certainly have neither, but would like a representative set to run with my bathtubs. By selective shortening, a realistic representation can be made.


    I've not put my name down (yet) for any but if I can squirrel some cash away between now and then, I'll acquire a (shortened) rake from my local shop


    I suspect that the coaches will not be a one catalogue wonder, there are other running numbers they can produce in the long term too, so further purchases are also possible.


    I'm not saying this is the reason, or the 'point' but it's a possibility.





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  20. For those who are contemplating (or actually doing) third class carriages, I've got a small album on Flickr of one of the NRM's replicas. Hopefully it'll prove of some use to someone!


    Obviously this is of a replica carriage, so there will be some more modern features hidden amongst it not present in the originals. As Hornby's model is made using a survey of the replica locomotive anyway, I feel that's most appropriate!


    Replica Liverpool and Manchester Railway third class carriage at the NRM, York







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  21. I have an E, and my name down for a P1. After the E practically fell together, I'm very much looking forward to adding it to my collection.


    The E is awaiting a trip to the paint shop, but the chassis has been through and re-assembled, and thankfully runs just as well! The design of the kit is excellent, allowing the brake gear to be removed as built being a particular welcome touch!




    Thanks ever so much for some fantastic kits, and I certainly look forward to further additions!





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