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Status Updates posted by millerhillboy

  1. First Xmas with the twins done. Hoping in years to come there will be more train stuff from Santa than just a peppa pig big train story book!!

    1. N15class


      So you got a train book what did the twins get?

  2. First Xmas with the twins done. Hoping in years to come there will be more train stuff from Santa than just a peppa pig big train story book!!

  3. Modelling career on hold - 4 month old twins put paid to that

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AndyB


      I gave up modelling when the wife saw my mug on a billboard and drove across a roundabout in surprise.

    3. Horsetan


      I'm suddenly reminded of that song by Right Said Fred.

    4. AndyB


      ...climbing up a ladder?

  4. looking forward to a second stab at Glagow Exhib

  5. how damn hard it is to line out n gauge locos even with transfers....my eyes are jiggered

  6. how damn hard it is to line out n gauge locos even with transfers....my eyes are jiggered

  7. in the name of the wee man

  8. is always waiting for things to dry

  9. how tedious is ballasting :-

  10. annoyed by mobile phones

    1. millerhillboy


      who invented the damn things anyway

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