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Posts posted by hespertalbahn

  1. Hello Tom,

    due to the link in the NGRM-online forum I have discovered this fine thread about your excellent layout.

    That is top-class modelling !

    Thank you very much for building, photographing and showing this.

    Most enjoyable.

    Yesterday night I have read all 17 pages and admired your pictures.

    It took around 2 hours as I am not a native english speaker, but it was really worth the time.

    Well, square eyes afterwards...

    I do look forward for your new project then, which I follow -this time on NGRM-online- with some pleasure.


    Best wishes


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  2. Wow, what a surprise !


    I am really looking forward for this tiny loco (as for the 0-4-0ST Peckett with the 'open' back of the cab).

    With a few small locos already at hand this cries for a shunting plank now.

    If only Peco would offer small radius Bullhead points soon...




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  3. Neil,


    looking at the first picture I would have thought that the gauge was somehow near standard gauge, especially compared to the tallness of the people around.

    But in those days people have been shorter...


    Steam locos and paper (mill) may be risky, but I had the system at Sittingbourne with its numerous spark arrestor fitted steam locos in mind.


    I am looking forward for further developement.




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  4. Neil,


    this is very interesting.

    I am looking forward for further developement of the plans and the realisation of them afterwards.


    You mentioned a narrow gauge predecessor:


    For those of you who aren't aware of the Tramway, here's a brief history:

    The Cropper’s paper business is now concentrated at Burneside, but when all three mills were in use the transport problem was solved by the construction of a narrow gauge tramway linking the sites in 1879. The tramway was replaced in 1927 (though other sites give the date as 1924) by a standard gauge line,



    Are there any informations/pictures available ?

    I find that all very interesting but I am more into narrow gauge...


    Best wishes


  5. ...

    my intention is that should others want a 3D print to aid them in their scratch building then I would make it available should there be sufficient demand.[/size]




    Well, I would say so.

    With a hint in the NGRM-online forum you will recieve some more feedback.




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  6. Which really doesn't include Pecketts, I think we need to get this thread back onto model trains rather than speculation about Chinese world trade and Japanese Whisky ;)

    Yes, in fact a very interesting thread, covering nearly all important aspects of life.... ☺




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