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Simon Moore

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Blog Entries posted by Simon Moore

  1. Simon Moore
    Recently i managed to pick a djh 8f kit off ebay for £69.99 including wheels. The kit has already had the chassis started & whoever has made it has done an exceptional job it is straight & true having been tested on some mirrorglass.
    I've made a start building the tender up, i've watched the right track dvd with tony wright & i'm following his advice. This is my work so far it's going to be a slow build this because i want to make sure everything is perfect

  2. Simon Moore
    I thought rather than start posts for the various models i am making i decided it would be better to transfer it all here.
    Slowly is my new key to building kits & it is working a treat & slowly i have been building a LRM brake 3rd. Now the original idea was to use a cleminson system from brassmasters to make the chassis straight forward but i thought that following the instructions would be better. The kit origins are from d&s models & they are a kit i think are well designed & well etched & this is more or less the same as the last d&s kit i built ( straight forward )
    I have come to a bit of a head scratching moment which has got the so its time to ask for a bit of help.
    The instructions state the following;
    fold up the centre bearing cradle & plates , & assemble these by locating tab in slote in base.
    thin slots for OO either side or wider one for em 18 83. try bearings & wheelsets in position in position & crank plates to suit back to back wheel dimensions make this centre axel stub ended only.
    Now i have followed this to the best of my ability but i am struggling with this area because i dont fully understand the instructions. the problem i am having is the bearing & wheelsets. This is meant to be a floating centre axel & the w irons have bearing holes fitted but the etch for the floating axel has these parts fitted which somehow fit the wheels but i am not not sure how can anyone shed some light on this please. Please find below some images of the chassis & the part in question.



    Having finished off building the parts above i am happy to say i have almost completed the chassis. Its running sweet & everything is working well. I used 4 two pence pieces for weight after reading somewhere that it is about 40 grams .


  3. Simon Moore
    After a post in the prototype section to see if something could be found small enough to model in P4 as a test bed i am still nowhere closer to finding something. With this in mind i have decided to give up on that for now although i do have a idea.
    I want to build something that is no more than 6ft in length that i can put up & play with without to much setting up or take up to much room in the small area i have for a layout. I have to take into account the 12ft x 2ft OO layout that is currently being built so i already have 2 6ft boards in the store room.
    The model has to be based like all my layout's in the local area so lot's of mill's & terrace house's are the order of the day but i also wanted to have a coal saithe on the layout too. Then come's the thought of the actual railway it's self, what can i make that is not just a mess of track without any real purpose, i wanted to fit in a station too which is alote to fit into something that is 6ft in length & built in P4.
    Anyway whilst doing a bit of research for plan's etc in the library for buildings i had a thought pass through my head. I remember having a copy of the railway modeller at home somewhere that had a intreresting plan for a tiny breakers yard that was multi level in about 3ft of space.
    This plan has some nicely drawn pictures of the layout as it would look once built. This gave me my current idea & i have used the basic idea of the layout & planned the track around the building layout which has given me a small inglenook with higher level station & with coal saithes that are to feed the mill building . Hopefully this is a good place to start in P4 with just 3 point's & a simple small but interesting idea. I'm going to knock up a trackplan & drawings which i shall post up here & on the scaleforum for people to have a look at .
  4. Simon Moore
    Sometime ago i realised although i enjoy modelling steam i think the modern railway system is very intresting & the WCML is something that i have a keen intrest in modelling at some stage.
    Over the past couple of month i have collected a small fleet of modern locos & one being a Hornby class 92 in EWS livery. The Hornby model is rather dated now & although it captures the loco well their are certainly areas that need improving greatly.
    My model i picked up cheap at £25 missing the pantographs & the central wheels on the motor bogie are wobbly but these items are going to be discarded anyway.
    So whats the plan for this project, simple to take the basic body & detail from the Hornby offering & make it into the ultimate class 92. My plan is to repower the whole model with a Hollywood Foundary custom chassis , Hurst pantographs & fitting's, Express model's lightstore lighting & any other parts i may need to finish it off.
    Most of the item's i need to complete the project i have already, i've made a couple of order's this weekend for lighting & some etchs forthe channel tunnel circles that are fitted to the 92 body's.
    Tomorrow i'm going to make a proper start on the model firstly with the cab's. If memory serves the guy behind Wells Green TMD has a bit on his site about detailling the cab of the 92 so i will be reading that sometime over the course of the weekend.
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