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About highpeakman

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  • Location
    Close to the GN & GE Joint Rly north of Lincoln.
  • Interests
    Very broad interests but perhaps focused more on BR Midland - Derbyshire, Notts and Lincs areas in late 50s/60s - Wirksworth, Buxton, Cromford & High Peak in particular - Also GC Main Line around Nottingham + any Industrial railways (NG and Standard). Old enough to remember C&HP in working order, Trent Junction Station, Derby Works in full flow, Windcutters at Nottm Victoria, prototype Deltic at Grantham and a few other things I miss.A believer in modelling to capture the feeling/atmosphere of the time/prototype even if some details are not correct and of the right to run what I like.

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  1. Wife is a Blue Badge Holder. At lunchtime we found disabled parking slot occupied by Nissan Navaro (Pick up truck as big as a 9F) but not displaying any blue badge. Probably because driver does not have ability to park such a big thing in a normal space! Such selfish actions make me mad!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. peach james

      peach james

      Nothing some superglue and signs "you want my parking, how about my disability too" plastered on the front windscreen won't fix. (recommended only for punters you see doing the "run in" routine, because otherwise,I have a rather funny story about 2 rather doddery very senior gentlemen & handicapped spaces- one had a pass, one didn't, guess which car they were in?)

    3. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Things aren't always as they seem.


      Occasionally, you might get an able bodied motorist parking in one of these bays - putting a blue badge in the windscreen - and disappearing into a shop - only to emerge a minute later with a disabled person (maybe 2) in tow.


      Nothing wrong with that - they're transporting the (disabled) badge holder.


      The people my (disabled) parents & I have a problem with are those who abuse the system. There are too many of them.

    4. highpeakman


      I understand all that and as I said above that I take care not to misuse my wife's pass. I do note that sometimes when I have taken her to the shops and i pop back to load the shopping while she is still away from the car I can get dirty looks. Difficult to know how to handle those situations but I would explain to anyone who asked.

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