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About highpeakman

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  • Location
    Close to the GN & GE Joint Rly north of Lincoln.
  • Interests
    Very broad interests but perhaps focused more on BR Midland - Derbyshire, Notts and Lincs areas in late 50s/60s - Wirksworth, Buxton, Cromford & High Peak in particular - Also GC Main Line around Nottingham + any Industrial railways (NG and Standard). Old enough to remember C&HP in working order, Trent Junction Station, Derby Works in full flow, Windcutters at Nottm Victoria, prototype Deltic at Grantham and a few other things I miss.A believer in modelling to capture the feeling/atmosphere of the time/prototype even if some details are not correct and of the right to run what I like.

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  1. Those nice people at Notts Police have kindly sent me an invitation to go to one of their Speed Awareness Courses. Oh well, could have been worse I suppose. (For clarification I was not caught in a residential area. 60 in a 50 limit on a straight and clear B road in the countryside). Guilty, no argument, but question is why we can't get them to put speed trap in our village from time to time.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zero Gravitas

      Zero Gravitas

      Highpeakman, I applaud you sentiments, but the relationship between speed cameras and safety is somewhat tenuous; whereas the relationship between speed cameras and money is very firm indeed.

    3. highpeakman


      I always slow down for speed cameras as well. This road has about 8 miles of average speed cameras which I observed carefully. The guy in front was doing 40 just to be sure. Where the average speed cameras finished I decided, unwisely, to get past him. The mobile speed van was waiting at the end of the average speed zone!

    4. Metr0Land


      A favourite trick in Oxfordshire is to have speed traps at the end of villages as people speed up on their way out

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