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Status Updates posted by Knuckles

  1. You only just joined?  Lol.


    Welcome fellow modeller.  :)

  2. Removing cab from Dapol N Pannier. Result? Bent step & brake pipe. Snapped handrail pillar and piping came off, FFS! No idea where pipe runs go so bagged 'em

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Knuckles


      Helps when one is practiced for sure. I wasn't trying to put a chip in though, just evaluating body removal yet found the running plate is joined to the chassis too. Might just get a cheapo chassis from ebay. For my N gauge E2 print.

    3. Killian keane

      Killian keane

      "There are two ways of doing things, the Great Western way, and the wrong way"

    4. Knuckles


      I'm definitely not Great Western then. :D


      Don't we know it?

  3. Removing cab from Dapol N Pannier. Result? Bent step & brake pipe. Snapped handrail pillar and piping came off FFS No idea where pipe runs go so bagged 'em.

  4. Removing cab from Dapol N Pannier. Result? Bent step & brake pipe. Snapped handrail pillar and piping came off FFS No idea where pipe runs go so bagged 'em.

  5. Removing cab from Dapol N Pannier. Result? Bent step & brake pipe. Snapped handrail pillar and piping came off FFS!

  6. Well Photobucket have shafted me, as good as inserting a shoe up me poop shute sideways. Yes I'm crass yet very visual. No ox poo with me. I haven't $399 to waste to use Photobucket as I have been doing for over a decade so I'm in the poop.

    1. SHMD


      HOW MUCH!!!!?!?!?!

    2. Knuckles


      Yeah seriously, no joke. New terms as of a couple days ago.


      Over 10 years of forum posts wrecked. Over 2000 pictures down the pan.

  7. 3D Designing, Directors beers, soggy egg, cheese & chilli on toast, lifting dumbells inbetween, (Hamar Curls mainly) and listening to old school Sonic Hedgehog tunes. YESH!

  8. Oh the joys of gauge narrowing - and shaving rails with scalpel blades.

  9. Oh the joys of gauge narrowing....and shaving rails with scalpel blades.

  10. Ok, who painted my sausage guarding wombats yellow? Come on, own up. Not a happy bunny!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DougN


      Well it usually come out of there eventually!

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I'm still confused, sorry.

    4. DougN


      There's not enough fat in any Aussie animals to make sausages from! So I can understand you being disappointed and confused.

  11. Ok, who painted my sausage guarding wombats yellow? Come on, own up. Not a happy bunny!

  12. Shapeways prices since Brexit, FFS. What to do about it... :/

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Knuckles


      I hear ya. How do you sell your stuff and where? Defo need to look elsewhere.

    3. Bluebell Model Railway

      Bluebell Model Railway

      Problem is Shapeways and the other Belgian one name escapes me, are the only ones with a shop.

      What I tend to do is get a prototype printed here in the UK in a similar material or something close to the specs of a shapeways material, then I put it up for sale as for me that's a pass. So I avoid all the prices from Shapeways.

      Or just manage the sales yourself and use someone reliable in the UK.

    4. Knuckles


      Ok, many thanks for the info. Eventually I'd like to be able to offer basic and complete kits in a box to suit any guage, probably with etches too. Might at some point try your idea as something definetly needs to be done about this Shapeways bother, not that it is all bad as it isn't but for me various things are making it too bothersome and unworkable long term. Any particular company's / outlets you recomend I try?

  13. What's on my mind? Bloody exchange rates. Since Brexit Shapeways have gone sky high, all the items on my SCC shapeways outlet are in my opinion a joke. No surprise but completely stuck with it. Sigh.

  14. What's on my mind? Bloody exchange rates. Since Brexit Shapeways have gone sky high, all the items on my SCC shapeways outlet are in my opinion a joke, as a result hardly any sales! No surprise but completely stuck with it. Sigh.

  15. With so many prototypes to choose from it's a pig knowing what to create and in what order - know what I mean?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Knuckles


      I plan to keep my stuff predominantly pre-Grouping for the reasons PaulR stated. Pre-Grouping railways need some love but I still plan to do some other stuff and my own freelance stuff as well. The more ideas the better though.


      To Mad McCann - Sure, please fire away, or send a PM if you want.


      I can't promise anything but you never know. The Cambrian Class 61 was asked for and I made it, although no sales on it yet!

    3. mightbe


      I'm a bit late to the party but a LBSCR I3 would complement the E2s perfectly. And there are two roof styles (LBSCR and Maunsell), so you'd sell *at least* 2 :)

    4. Knuckles



      Thanks for the suggestion. :)


      This J1 is taking quite a while and I hot another lined up for after but then it will be a free choice again. Just the time it takes. ;P

  16. IMPORTANT MESSAGE BELOW! Greetings. If you have been wondering why my online activity and especially my modelling threads on the forums have been quiet you are about to find out why. If over the years you have ever appreciated my locomotive modelling, kit bashing and related video's then you don't want to miss the next two video's I upload, especially if you are a railway modeller. Seriously... I've quietly been working 8 or 9 months almost straight on a secret projec...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Well, not in the same boat, probably, but I haven't been in a position to do any modelling at all for over a year, but I keep going on sausages and references to towns in West Wales.

    3. Knuckles


      Turkey and herb sausages are the best I ever tried. I don't eat piggies any more but seriously, turkey sausages are really good. :)



    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      They must have come on a lot from the days when I used to get the cheap frozen sort!

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