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Jenny Emily

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Posts posted by Jenny Emily

  1. Futurama was a surprise cancellation. However those morons at Fox that fired the planetary express crew were themselves fired. Then beaten quite badly. *ahem* The films that follows were pretty good though, and it did come back.


    The A-team and Quantum Leap are two that I would have liked to see run longer. Although rewatching season 5 of the A-team, I can now appreciate that its quality had slipped by the end.

  2. As an aside, despite loft insulation being easy to fit and relatively cheap, uptake of the available grants has been generally quite poor. You know the reason why? Because lots of people have stored lots of junk in their lofts and the effort of clearing it out is too much bother. Doesn't really give you much hope for the human race... :rolleyes:


    When I had mine done the boffin that surveyed it claimed we had to even take up the boarding too - a task that proved impossible because of the way they were fastened down. Luckily the fitters who arrived were more realistic and laid the insulation over the top (tucking it in thoroughly at the eaves so that it didn't create a wind tunnel under the insulation). My Father was in the "my loft is too full of $h!t£" category and he baulked at the effort of moving it all, electing to forego extra insulation.


    I think the grants are being phased out though aren't they? If anyone here does qualify for them, now would be an excellent time to apply. From application to doing was less than a week for here, because the insulation company had so little work on.



    I still use 4-star leaded petrol whenever I find places that sell it :P



    Still get it round my way!



    I did not realise it still got made? If it is old stock it must be equivalent to one star petrol or worse by now as the octane slowly evaporates and water gets absorbed into it. Are you sure it isn't LRP dressed up as what it replaced?


    Put it in a modern car at your peril though - it will destroy the cat and those things are rather expensive to be replacing any more than you have to. And don't get me started on the pollution caused by mining and processing the rare metals that go in them... It would have been far greener to have invested in improving fuel economies of newer engines instead. But of course, the pollution is released in places other than Europe, so politicians can pretend that it makes Europe greener.




  3. Something I don't understand is why were most of the layouts from this era so crap, when materials were so plentiful...?


    Because a lot of the materials that were so plentiful and readily available weren't actually all that good? Gone are the days when there was a massive choice of layout trees that all looked suspiciously like assorted sizes of bog brushes dipped in varnish and scatter.

  4. how about a chunk of genuine early GWR flat bottom rail?:




    I must raid my Father's workshop if that sells. He has a foot long section of rail that has been used for a great many years as an anvil. The bloke who gave it to him got it many years earlier whilst working at Horwich loco works. With a gas axe I'm sure I could get six or seven slices out of that foot length :P



    Total Lunacy, lucky seller!!! :cry:




    Can I have some ??? Please?


    Cheers, Peter C.




    Call me paranoid, but the bids by the person who came second look a little suspicious to me. Who bids £49, unless they are anxious to not actually win the item? Given that a complete new Pannier can't be much more, it is a very odd final price that would leave me suspecting shilling.



  5. Someone, somewhere, is having a giraffe....:lol:


    I've got one of those, and my box is in better condition!


    I suspect this is another misplaced decimal point though. £14.99 would be a far more realistic start. On the other hand, you would think these people would notice at the point they get charged the listing fee?




  6. What do you make of this?;




    I'm just not sure...




    It reminds me of the Ebay scammer who featured on an episode of Judge Judy after sending a photograph of a mobile phone to the winner of one auction for a phone.


    As only 10% of the final amount actually in this auction goes to charity, this is a plain scammer trying to cover themselves with a veneer of respectability by hiding behind a pitiful donation to charity.




  7. I was in the Modelzone in the Metro Centre yesterday, and they've got dozens of their weathered versions on the shelves, even though they are listed on their website as out of stock.


    They also had a few other limited editions in stock that are officially out of stock including the TPOs, black weathered tanker three pack, NCB 16 tonners, NCB pannier, NSE class 03 and the two parcels two pack coach sets.

  8. Hi Jenny.

    A very good attempt slightly let down (if you don't mind me saying) by the stain from the fuel tank. If you browse prototypes you'll find stains but it is fuel not oil and it appears to seep from out of the oval plate on the drivers side fuel tank.





    Thanks. The locomotive is actually factory weathered by Bachmann and is (from memory - the box is in storage) catalogue number 32-102Z. Its colour is a very nice faded blue (a shame that Bachmann haven't used this for any of the other factory weathered examples). The oil stain is what they applied, and I have added no weathering effects to this loco.


    On vehicles that rarely get a wash, spilt diesel does seem to acquire a lot of black dirt in it. The skirts on reefer road trailers are a terror for it with black slicks developing down the sides over the winter from the red diesel filler pipe. Not quite as badly as the Bachmann applied stain and more like the 08 in your first picture.


    Below is the picture prior to going black and white. I use a 12 or so year old programme called Paint Shop Pro 5 for effects, and it is somewhat primitive compared to Photoshop. The biggest achievement was airbrushing out the tension-lock couplings and the edge of the baseboard., both of which were rather prominent in the original picture, which is below the colour version for comparison.



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  9. I've been sorely tempted for a while by the class 14s. They are pricey, but the new batch do look better than the first batch - it really does make a difference having those pickups painted.


    I agree that it would be nice to get a report on how good the weathering is. Some years ago I bought a Bachmann weathered 04 that looked great up until it ran for the first time revealing a clean line across all the wheels where the side rods had been when it had been sprayed at the factory.


    I'm torn between the weathered Blue Circle cement one, the BR blue 14029 (shame about those pickups, but nothing a tin of paint and some care won't fix) and - bizarrely - the Loadhaul version, as long as they don't all have upside down connecting rods like the Hattons picture! I was hoping that they might have knocked a tenner off the price of 14029 for being non-weathered, but it hasn't happened.


    Are there any other niggles from the first batch that have been fixed for the second batch other than the power pickups getting a coat of black?

  10. It makes me think that as a BR blue modeller I should relinquish from my collection my collection of L&Y pugs. There are five in my collection, including Dapol #19 in L&Y lined black. But then, I have a soft spot for them and the insane silly bidders never seem to find any of my auctions. That said, they did find my Father's auction for an old caravan awning, and started a bidding war that netted him more than it would have cost to buy an awning new of the same size.


    My Father was, understandably, quite pleased. At the same sitting he sold a band saw to a man who hadn't read that he had to collect in person, so ended up having to forfeit his money and leave my Father to sell it a second time. Canada was a bit of a way to come from and collect really.


    As for Bachmann wagons, anything past the Chas Roberts tanker (2004?) I suspect are produced in larger numbers than some of the gneral release items, so aren't worth much at all. I joined the club in 2002, so my first wagon is the Marcroft wagons black one (which I do rather like). However, they do not fit well with a BR blue modeller, though will give my NRM GCR 8K something to pull*.



    *I'm a woman and therefore have an "oh siny!" impulse buy mode that is easily triggered around shoes, handbags, and pre-grouping trains, apparently.

  11. I find this Hornby L&YR Class 21 Pug 51218 to be a clear rip off.



    It's the curse of Ebay again, where 'rare' is ironically the most common word you'll find. 51218 is the easiest to find of the BR black L&Y pugs, from experience. 51235 (the 'C' suffixed version of this model) was the hardest, but still mass produced to the point that 'rare' is an abuse of the word.




  12. Despite which there were four different bidders, two of whom wanted it at any price! When I sell I love the must have it bidders!




    They rarely seem to be around when I'm selling anything though.



  13. Interestingly the detail pack is supplied separately, and is therefore presumably pristine? might look a little odd, heavily weathered wheels and pristine pull rods?? :O Cheers, Peter C.


    I have a ready weathered Bachmann class o4 in blue that had detail separate to fit which was also weathered. So it can be done - whether it has I don't know, but I would have thought at that price it's the least they can do!




  14. Interesting paint job.


    HD paint link


    Shame about the daubed on green paint, as that numbered version is rather tricky to find compared to the 80054 version. I could be wrong, but the coach in the other assorted stuff looks like a super detail southern region coach of some sort. In good condition these used to go for rather a lot.




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