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Everything posted by Indomitable026

  1. Not sure they’re there to be enjoyed, could be wrong...
  2. I think I need to steer this away from airport codes...
  3. Birmingham Canal Navigations ... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birmingham_Canal_Navigations
  4. BCN - love it... Yes, nothing changes, same era - everything
  5. This is the tunnel board being unloaded from the truck. This is likely to be the board I work on first and will become the master board, more on that later.
  6. I’ll put the planning application in now with ‘the authorites’, let’s see how we get on...
  7. The missing board three on the roof rack? It was raining a little and I need to try and keep the scenery all the same colour if I can... It’s not like living in Spain, Goldie
  8. Now the fun starts - unloading and putting to bed.
  9. So, In fact the best outcome of today is that Andy finally gets his modellling room. The one he built and never finished, because BCB was born and then stored in in said room. Well almost ...
  10. It’s only a couple of hours over to Stafford, so once arrived loading commenced straight away. As a minimum I wanted to take the two end boards, this would allow me to start to work out the connections to the new fiddleyard boards. However it soon be came apprent we should be able to take three boards. We also realised that we could fit one of the deep boards in the truck. Bonus With a bit of shuffling we were able to get three boards in the trailer, so that was 4 out of the 5 main boards. In the end we got everything in apart from one main board and the upright fascias, far better than I was expecting - I thought it was going to be at least two trips. So the question is, what am I missing.
  11. So, shortly I’ll be leaving for Stafford to collect some of BCBs main scenic boards. I’ll post some updates as we make progress.
  12. Anyway, onwards and upwards... Here’s where we got to before descending down the pub... Cheers.
  13. Great news and spot on timing. Thanks Mark.
  14. Don’t know exactly, some burk built them in some odd size. I’ll see when I get the front boards and match to that - I think they were built to chain equivalents. The curves will be procured from Tim Horn.
  15. Board 2 is a bit more involved, it looks like a collection of components from different boards. Anyway, we’re slowly getting there ‘reassembling’ the new board. Just the end to fit now.
  16. Hi Mark, yes of course, as previously I’d be either hand building or converting Marcway points. I’ve not followed the development too closely, when are they due and what sizes are available?
  17. Black Country Blues

    1. Free At Last

      Free At Last

      Outside Woman Blues

  18. Good morning, it’s been a while, six months in fact. Yesterday I spent a few hours sorting the garage out and putting the frame and tilt on the trailer. This means I’m now ready to start moving the main layout over to my house. The knock on to that was today I fancied doing a bit of work on the fiddleyard boards. Of course the problem with such sporadic working is you forget where you’re at, so inevitably initially I’m trying to work this out. This is the first board, which looks nearly ready to go once I fit the top. So far, so good.
  19. 68020 stabled at York in between driver training runs to Scarborough. Friday 4th Jan 2019.
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